Aquarium Inf

European cold flowing water aquarium

4. European cold water aquarium resembling flowing waters

List of Fish:

  • sunfish (solarium) Lepomis gibbosus - body length up to 30 cm, an alien species in Poland, feeding on plants and living food
  • Carpathian barbell Barbus waleckii - body length up to 30 cm, feeds on live food, under protection
  • saber carp Pelecus cultratus - body length usually 30 cm, feeds on plants and living food, under protection
  • Amur sleever (Amur pectoral) Pseudorasbora parva - length up to 11 cm, in Poland an invasive alien species that should not be released into the wild after being caught, feeds on live food
  • white-finned bullhead (common) Cottus gobio - body length up to 15 cm, predator, bottom species, feeds on live food, under protection
  • banded bullethead Cottus poecilopus - body length up to 15 cm, predator, a bottom species, feeds on live and plant food, under protection
  • ruff Gymnocephalus cernua - body length up to 20 cm, bottom and schooling species, feeds on live food
  • dace Leuciscus leuciscus - body length up to 30 cm, a schooling species, feeds on live food
  • silver crucian carp Carassius gibelio - body length up to 30 cm, feeds on live and plant food
  • white-finned gudgeon Romanogobio albipinnatus - body length up to 13 cm, a shoal species, bottom, feeds on live and plant food, under protection
  • Kessler's gudgeon Romanogobio kesslerii - body length up to 15 cm, feeds on live and plant food, under protection
  • common gudgeon Gobio gobio - body length up to 14 cm, a schooling species, feeds on live and plant food
  • Danube loach Cobitis elongatoides - body length up to 13 cm
  • common loach Cobitis taenia - body length up to 12 cm, a bottom species, feeds on live food, under protection
  • golden loach Sabanejewia aurata - depending on the subspecies, body length 7-14 cm, a bottom species, feeds on live food, under protection
  • white bream Blicca bjoerkna - body length up to 30 cm, feeds on live and plant food
  • grayling Thymallus thymallus - body length up to 30 cm, a schooling species, feeds on live food, protected period March-May, protected size 30 cm
  • Eastern American mudfish Umbra pygmaea - body length up to 15 cm, feeds on live food
  • spirlin (minnow) Alburnoides bipunctatus - body length up to 15 cm, feeds on live and plant food, under protection
  • roach Rutilus rutilus - body length up to 30 cm, a schooling species, feeds on plant and live food
  • brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis - body length about 30 cm, feeds on live food
  • asp Ballerus ballerus - body length up to 30 cm, a schooling species, feeds on live food
  • bitterling Rhodeus sericeus - body length up to 11 cm, a shoal species, feeds on plant food (phytoplankton), under protection
  • blue bream (klepiec) Ballerus sapa - body length up to 30 cm, a bottom, schooling species, feeds on live food, under protection
  • common sunbleak Leucaspius delineatus - body length up to 10 cm, a shoal species, feeds on plant and live food
  • mud minnow Rhynchocypris percnurus - body length up to 18 cm, a shoal species, bottom, feeds on live food, under protection
  • Eurasian minnow Phoxinus phoxinus - body length up to 15 cm, a schooling species, feeds on live and plant food
  • stone loach Barbatula barbatula - body length up to 20 cm, a bottom species, feeds on live food, under protection
  • common nase Chondrostoma nasus - body length about 30 cm, a schooling species, feeds on plant and live food, protection period from January to May, protection size 25 cm
  • common bleak Alburnus alburnus - body length up to 20 cm, a schooling species, feeds on live food
  • rudd (redfin) Scardinius erythrophthalmus - body length up to 30 cm, a schooling species, feeds on plant food, protected size 15 cm

List of Other Water Animals:


  • great pond snail Radix balthica
  • big-ear radix Radix auricularia
  • river limpet Ancylus fluviatilis
  • river nerite Theodoxus fluviatilis
  • sharp bladder snail Physella acut
  • common bithynia Bithynia tentaculata
  • great ram's horn Planorbarius corneus
  • river viviparous snail Viviparus viviparus L.


  • mud crayfish Astacus (Pontastacus) leptodactylus - partially protected in Poland
  • spiny-cheek crayfish Orconectes limosus - an invasive species in Poland
  • stone crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium
  • noble crayfish Astacus astacus - partially protected in Poland


  • Corbicula fluminalis - invasive species
  • ribbed pea clam Sphaerium solidum
  • river coin clam Pisidium amnicum
  • painter's mussel Unio pictorum
  • common duck mussel Anodonta anatina

List of plants:

  • yellow water-lily Nuphar lutea (partially protected in Poland)
  • water caltrop Trapa natans L.
  • thin waterweed Elodea nuttallii
  • Canadian waterweed Elodea canadensis
  • brooklime Veronica beccabunga L.
  • comb pondweed Stuckenia pectinata L.
  • longleaf pondweed Potamogeton nodosus P.
  • broad-leaved pondweed Potamogeton natans
  • claspingleaf pondweed Potamogeton perfoliatus L.
  • rigid hornwort Ceratophyllum demersum L.
  • common duckweed Lemna minor L.
  • red duckweed Lemna turionifera L.
  • longneck water-starwort Callitriche cophocarpa
  • water crowfoot Ranunculus aquatilis L. (protected species in Poland)
  • sald watermilfoil Myriophyllum spicatum
  • common frogbit Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L.

Aquarium arrangement:

This type of aquarium requires a sandy or gravel (fine-grained) substrate. Decorative elements should be stones called round stones of various sizes, branches or thicker branches, individual plants and dried beech or oak leaves scattered on the bottom.