Aquarium Inf

Aquarium fish farms

What does a typical aquarium fish farm look like? I will try to bring the subject a little bit closer.

Aquarium fish farms are located on a several-to-several-dozen-hectare area, which is divided into sections with separate ponds of about 20m in length, 10m in width and about 2-2.5m in depth. Each tank contains between 10,000 - 15,000 fish. The majority of farms are located in Asia, South America, and Southern Europe. Fish are fed high-quality food, usually once a day. In each of these tanks, conditions of the natural environment are recreated. Fish are caught using nets similar to fishing ones, but they have much smaller meshes. They are dragged along the tank in order to catch the fish.

In addition to the external water tanks dug into the ground, such a farm has roofed spaces with many smaller tanks where the caught fish are transferred. These tanks are used for cleaning the fish and carrying out a preliminary selection as well as possible grooming treatments. After undergoing such a cure, the fish are sorted by size and color and then they go to smaller aquariums. These, in turn, are transported to individual receivers. These aquariums are about 50 liters and accommodate up to 100 fish. Customers, which are pet shops or wholesalers, can place orders for any species and any size they are interested in. The farms will prepare the order according to the customers' requirements.

Then, we as customers go to the pet store and buy our desired fish.