Aquarium Inf

Other animals in the aquarium

1 Hydra

1.1 Construction and maintenance

Hydra flowing freely
Wikipedia/Przemysław Malkowski/CC BY-SA 3.0

Coelenterata is living in natural conditions of water standing or slow-flowing. Often attach to aquatic plants. Baggy body has completed the one hand, the rate (it attaches to the substrate) and on the mouth. It grows up to about 2.5 cm. Moves clinging to the arms (tentacles of parzydełkami the amount of from 6 to 12) taking his foot and moving it to another location. It can also break off and float foot in the water, until it finds an element such as a leaf or stem of the plant, which will stick to the foot or grab his shoulders.

1.2 Breeding hydra

If we are going to grow hydra, it must be prepared for them a small aquarium (up to 1-5 litres, so it was easy to see) and the ball (often thoughtlessly used for veils as a prison, and the hydra will feel sensational), the ground can be sand or fine gravel in the tank, you can put a larger element such as a rock or root, to improve its appearance and create a nice place for the existence stułbii (resembling their natural conditions). Aquarium need to fill a few water plants (such as Canadian pondweed), among them willing to stay. Let in to the water fleas, annelids, protozoa, oczliki or mosquito larvae, which are food for stułbii. You can also feed them meat with tweezers. It is interesting that the mouth is also anus. Moving stułbii is quite cumbersome and time consuming. Stick to everything they encounter. You have to move them very gently (can be used for this purpose brush with watercolor stains - obviously not used). You have to brush tickle them to let go of the course, which are glued and grabbed a brush. Flicking them into the tank, you can more or less choose where we want to be stuck (catch the first encountered element of post release to the aquarium). If you bring them together with the plant, there is no problem, just planted aquarium creeper stułbii not moving. Hydra body shape indicates the nutritional status - sated straighten and shorten. In good conditions reproduce asexually by budding (for adult individual of a day grows donut that surrounds and separates the antennae). In worse conditions reproduce sexually by producing male and female gonads in one body (they are obojnakami). In sexual reproduction in the body of the parent produces a zygote. Parent dies creating the cover for the young hydra until this develops and will be able to exist independently. In asexual reproduction (budding), the education of young hydra all bodies detach from the parent body and begin an independent life. Top reproduce at a temperature of about 25 ° C. The heater in the tank is not necessary as they live in the lakes is the temperature of the room in entirely sufficient. If their growth is weak then you can gently raise the temperature by the heating element. It is worth to install artificial lighting to be able to become independent from the sun which will reduce the amount of algae in the aquarium and significant changes in the amplitude of the temperature in the tank (water quickly heats up from the sun, and at night drops significantly). Hydra should not be in a tank with small fish as they can burn them parzydełkami. They can be kept with shrimps but that should not make them wrong. It may be the other way around, the hydra can eat young shrimp. Because the hydra are fairly transparent can Spot A or just anything digest. The water filter can be a small sump, or simple external filter with a sponge filter and aerator. The offer includes a tiny sponge filters for aquariums up to 10 litres, which ideally would be suitable. It is often swap between water (every 5 days approximately 20%) and elutriate bottom (should then be especially careful not to accidentally pull stułbii).

1.3 Removing stułbii of aquariumHowever, if the hydra

not proszonym visitor to the aquarium, and already there occur, they can be removed by increasing the temperature in the tank to 42 ° C (after removing the fish), or letting the fish przegłodzone labyrinthine. Aquarium hydra can be transferred from niewygotowanym gravel, snails and plants. Sometimes you accidentally catching planktom catch hydra and add along with the plankton in the aquarium.

1.4 Where can you get the hydra

easiest hydra can be found in clumps of plants in clean lakes and bajorach, including plants such as pondweed or wywłócznik.

1.5 for more informationEncyclopaedic

stułbii information on can be found at wikipedia-hydra

2 Diving bell spider or water spider

spider adapted to life under water. His little body is covered with hairs, moving below the surface or between plants with visible drops in air cargo. Reply to other peoples cultures to use a small aquarium, densely planted vegetation. After acclimatization to the new conditions of the spiders begin to wear underwater nest. The adults feed on mosquito larvae, and plankton ośliczkami.

3 Lymnaea stagnalis known also as great pond snail

Common snail species in Polish waters. Its shell has a conical shape and even the color gray black. It feeds on algae growing on the aquarium glass, some of the higher plants, dead organic matter. It can also be aggressive towards the weakened fish. These snails breathe atmospheric air, which accumulate in the mantle. Snails are obojnakami (each individual produces eggs and sperm).

4 Physella acuta

Physa snails inhabit fresh waters. They have a left-handed shell heavily bloated in the first episode of a glossy and transparent surfaces. Breathe atmospheric air. They feed on algae, obumarłymi plants or dead organic matter. They are characterized by high fertility, which makes them difficult to eradicate the scourge.

5 Viviparus contectus

Freshwater snail with stagnant or slow-flowing with a nice olive shells, which appear brown stripes. Another turns shells are arranged staggered, piercing shell ends and the lid can be closed. This snail breathes with gills and live born offspring that is growing rapidly (at that time need more calcium to the emergence of a shell). It feeds on algae, plant debris and dead organic matter.

6 Clithon corona

One of the biggest aquatic snails. It is characterized by flat, spirally coiled shell with a dark color, which can reach a size of up to 4 cm. Feeds on algae, dead organic matter and water plants (unfortunately destroys plants). These slugs breathe atmospheric air, but at the same time is suitable (high depth) to take in oxygen from the water. It is adapted to life in low and high temperatures. In winter, bury themselves in the ground tank and fall asleep.

7 Melanoides tuberculatus Snail

Fresh water snail from Asia and Africa. Latin name Melanoides tuberculata. It has an elongated, narrow, and pointed right circular shell of up to 2 cm. Is pulmonary (breathing room air) and viviparous. He is still in the ground due to the fact that feed on dead organic matter (detritus). Attributed to him in the role of the remaining substrate in the aquarium. If the bottom of the intensifying decay, it goes on the glass aquarium.

8 Pomacea canaliculata known as Golden apple snail

from Asia and South America with large sizes (diameter of the shell up to 7 cm). Account for a large aquarium decoration. They do not like too soft water. They feed on dead organic matter, algae, fish food, cooked carrots, lettuce - are very voracious, might bite the plant. These snails are an excellent indicator of water oxygenation. When the water is well oxygenated breathing gills mainly when the water lacks oxygen breathing atmospheric air. Ampularie are dioecious. Females lay eggs rose above the water, on the glass nakrywowej or inside the glass. After hatching, young fall into the water.