Aquarium Inf

Aquarium care advices from readers

Aquarium care advices sent by our readers - what should be done in the aquarium and what never do it in the aquarium

What should be done in the aquarium?

  • Maintaining a constant ph of the water in the aquarium, which will greatly improve the well-being of fish.
  • Maintaining a constant water temperature. Large temperature changes can damage health of the fish and more delicate species may not survive it.
  • You should replace the total exchange of water in two substitution of 50% of the aquarium water distant in time (about 2 weeks) with removal of silt and other items littering the ground.
  • You should rinse a filter in the water removed from the aquarium ( best while doing partial water exchange) in order to preserve valuable bacterial flora. the best is to do part water exchange and the filter rinsing the same day.

Never do it in the aquarium

Some activities may be inappropriate or may be even serious mistakes committed by the aquarists. Usually aquarists make them because they are beginners and no one told them that this is wrong (that's why I created this article). Sometimes the reason why people make those mistakes is carelessness or lack of time. Let's see what is not allowed to do in the aquarium.

  • You can not keep to many fish in the aquarium.! Even super filter does not allow you to do that. 1cm o fish equals minimum 1 litre of water
  • You should not to put fish into freshly poured water in aquarium Aquarium with plants needs around 2 weeks to produce a microbial flora that keeps the balance in the aquarium.
  • You cannot put fish to aquarium without giving them time to adjust temperature (temperature in the aquarium and temperature of the water in which fish are before you put them in to the aquarium, must be the same.)
  • Do not overfeed fish! It is better to give smaller portions more often.
  • Do not use sea sand without making sure that it will not change ph of the water in aquarium. (test before use)
  • Do not keep fish in the aquarium bowl. If you have fish in the bowl than probably you did not know that this is torture for your fish.
  • Do not put aquarium on the windowsill!. Temperature amplitude will be large, sun perfectly affects the growth of algae, fish have unnatural colors, variability ph Guaranteed.
  • Do not leave light on during the night in aquarium and do not turn off during the day. Try to keep light on for about 12-14 hours using automatic light controller.
  • Do not use detergents and washing powders to wash aquarium and decorative elements. Even a careful and long rinsing will not remove all the toxic components which can be found in these cleansers.
  • Do not take the fish to hand. Your temperature is 36.6 °C. You burn skin of the fish, which in extreme cases can result in mortality.
  • Do not put newly purchased fish straight in to the aquarium. Each fish must be quarantined.
  • Do not put newly purchased plants straight in to the aquarium. Plants also must be quarantined. Plants can contain bacteria, viruses and fish diseases.
  • Do not rinse the filter in tap water. For this purpose the water removed from the aquarium should be used ( best while doing partial water exchange).
  • Do not use in the aquarium fertilizer for potted plants, because they contain unwanted phosphorus and nitrogen compounds, causing water blooms and changes in ph.
  • Do not use water straight from the tap for the aquarium. It should be conditioned before.
  • Do not leave the fish alone uncovered when there is a cat at home.
  • You should not buy aquarium without the cover. Scared fish may jump out of the aquarium:)
    - Cezary from Poland
  • Do not use plants like reed or other strange plants from rivers!!!
    - Cezary from Poland
  • Avoid no-name filters made in China. It is better to pay more than loose your fish. Filter bought of ebay ($15) 500l/h super offer - 10 fish died in one night.
    - Cezary from Poland

If you have any interesting ideas please let us know here. Send your nick or name and country to add it as a description.