Aquarium Inf

Terms and conditions


  1. There is no charge for using the service
  2. You can browse our website without registration but then you may have limited access to entire resources of the website.
  3. Only registered users have full access to the website.
  4. Registering and participating at constitutes agreement to abide by all conditions and terms of this Rules.
  5. We reserve the right to modify these rules at any time without giving prior notice to you.
  6. The information about any changes of the Rules will be put on the main website of the service or it will be sent to users by e-mail.
  7. The Rules obliges from the moment of its publication.
  8. The administrator ensure the correct operation of the service. You may contact with administrator using the “contact form” under “About Us/Contact” when you have any doubts or questions.
  9. The administrator isn't responsible for content posted by users.


  1. In order to use all services offered by our website you may be required to create an account with us.
  2. Each user may have only one account assigned to the e-mail.
  3. User Name can't be offensive, vulgar, web addresses, the names of services, names reserved for religious values, personal data of real people who are known (actors, singers, etc). Such accounts will be removed.
  4. User profile can't contain advertising content or links to websites with similar content.
  5. Each user is required to give real data (e-mail address) and he/she consents to its processing (collection, recording, storage and disposal) by
  6. The administrator doesn't sell or pass this data third parties. All data is processed solely for own and personal use of the administrator.
  7. Only the administrator has access to collected data. This data isn't available for registered and unregistered users of our service.
  8. The administrator isn't responsible for any hacking attempt to service and possible data theft..
  9. Each user may change or cancel his/her account at any time by contacting the administrator ("contact form").


  1. In service prohibited to publish content:
  • abusive and slanderous,
  • violating the rules of good manners,
  • offensive comments about race, gander, sexual orientation, religion and national origin,
  • provocative and persuasive to hatred and quarrel,
  • any pornographic content,
  • promote illegal content,
  • violating other people's copyrights, trademarks or other legal rights and personal rights,
  • contents which are plagiarism,
  • containing viruses or any other destructive solutions,
  • contents which are private affairs or topics not relevant of the service.
  1. Prohibited to put in service links and/or content and descriptions advertising other services, blogs and websites. Prohibited also to put links to offers, bids and ads. In special cases this prohibition doesn't apply only after approval by the administrator.
  2. Prohibited to publish private correspondence (e.g. e-mail, skype, text message) and images of third parties without consent of each person.
  3. When you put in the service any photos, images, pictures, texts, drawings etc. you declare that you are their author or you have written permission of the author for publication.
  4. It is required to take care of correct grammar and spelling of expression, users are required to comply their clarity and reasonableness.
  5. All contents which violate this Rules will be removed and their authors will be punished by deletion of their accounts and/or complete blockage of access to the website.
  6. Each user may report about any abuses to the administrator by “contact form”.
  7. The administrator may remove, change, delete users contents at the any time without the agreement of the users.
  8. All contents and materials posted by users of this website are their property and only they are responsible for that.
  9. The users agree to store all their content in database of the service.
  10. Prohibited to copy part or all of the articles and graphics of the service without consulting with administrator.