Aquarium Inf

Aquarium plant diseases

The causes of poor health plant

  • bad care - improper chemical composition of water, carbon dioxide shortage, underexposure,
  • excessive algae growth in the aquarium,
  • damage to shoots by fish and other animals aquarium
  • pathogens.

Low substrate temperature

Cause it can slow growth and defoliation of plants in the aquarium. This is mainly due to the lack of water movement or too rapid water movement.

Improper water micro-elements amounts

conditions created in the aquarium can cause difficulty in downloading the plants mineral salts from the water - it is called. relative lack of nutrients. This condition leads primarily to chlorosis - a disease resulting from the appearance and disappearance of chlorophyll. Plants gradually turn yellow due to lack of magnesium, or iron oxide, or due to the excess of calcium and phosphorus. Inappropriate chemical composition of water inhibits plant growth, causes dwarfing and the appearance of pale spots on the leaves. Effective means it may be a partial replacement (substitution) of water in the aquarium.

Shortage of carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is very necessary for the proper functioning of the plant (which is bound by the process of photosynthesis in plants). Its deficiency leads consequently to a shortage of oxygen in the water and to inhibit the growth of plants or their leaves decay. In the absence of carbon dioxide the plants begin to raise it from the dissolved calcium bicarbonate. This leads to biogenic decalcification and deposition of hard, gray raid on the windows, plants, etc. In a further shortage of carbon dioxide is produced from calcium carbonate, which causes a significant increase in the pH of water. This situation most often occurs when the tank is planted too many plants for the fish floating in it, intensive aeration and for abundant sunshine.

Not enough light

total lack of light causes the death of aquarium plants, while in low light are stunted, deprived of the right shape and coloring. Leaf blades are pale and elongated (in search of light). It is not only the amount of light (reaching to the bottom of the tank), but also its quality.

Constant grow conditions

Plants to adopt a quite well in the aquatic environment. Therefore, it is important that if they are accustomed to certain growing conditions (not necessarily optimal) and develop properly, we should not change this state. After the sudden changes in plants may be discolored, dropping leaves die.


With all the benefits of rearing snails in the aquarium (feed on dead organic matter, algae and fish feed residues), we have taken into account that also nibble aquarium plants. In principle, all types of snails połakomią earlier (in the snail also includes food plants) or later (no other foods) such food. Radix is ​​the most voracious arthritis. If you do not want at all in our aquarium of crustaceans, is the purchase of plants, they should be carefully inspected, there are no juveniles on them or of eggs. However, if we missed something, and snails multiplied incredibly, you can purchase ready-made trap for snails or make your own (suspend in the water at night with bait container - potatoes, oatmeal). You can also let the aquarium przegłodzone bettas or wielkopłetwy.


adversely affect the development of vegetation, the presence of herbivorous fish in an aquarium or digging in the  ground. Plants eating fish protection may be glass partitions to protect the water flora. Before rozgrzebywaniem ground and violations of the root system of plants protect us stones, which obłożymy plants or the use of plastic nets with a fine mesh.


algae growth in the aquarium causes the plants receive enough light for them to consume for carbon dioxide, nutrients. Shoots growing on them causing them to rot and decay. In any type of container produced algae: in highly lit (green algae), in the less illuminated (blue-green algae) and light shortage  (diatoms and algae). Effective and lasting freedom from the scourge of algae is difficult. They can help us: snails, fish (the algae slayers :) ), adequate cleaning of the aquarium or chemicals.