Aquarium Inf

Biotope of Europe

1. European Biotope - characteristics

European biotope aquarium
source: - Andrea Perotti

In Europe, there is no typical example of a waterbody that is commonly replicated by aquarium enthusiasts, as for example, the Amazon in South America or Lake Malawi in Africa. In this case, our protagonist is shaped primarily by the climate - the European climate, temperate cold or warm, marine or continental. It can generally be said that it is characterized by the occurrence of four seasons, which are more or less diversified in terms of the prevailing air temperature and atmospheric precipitation.
In this regard, most European water bodies are referred to as cold water bodies, due to the water temperature that will prevail in them - from 5ºC to 21°C, depending on the season. Such bodies of water are richly inhabited by animal life (fish, mollusks, crustaceans, insects) and plant life. These waters can be divided into flowing and standing. And this is the kind of division that is applied in aquariums. We thus have a European cold water aquarium that replicates standing waters and a European cold water aquarium that replicates flowing waters. Aquarium enthusiasts usually model local bodies of water - from the vicinity in which they live. This is mainly due to the ability to easily obtain information about a given environment and materials for arrangement (animals, plants or even substrates or decorations).