substrate: any (preferred sand, fine gravel), covered with a thick layer of forest mulch (oak leaves, beech, walnut shells etc.);
from moderate to large quantity of plants: dense clusters, turfs, mosses covering roots and stones, aquatic vegetation;
open spaces;
lots of roots imitating tree branches, fallen trees, twisted support roots etc.;
water flow from weak to moderate;
water oxygenation: 0.05-7.0 mg/l;
lighting scattered, moderate to strong;
Fish species:
all fish that can be found in the Amazon Basin, as well as Orinoco - during the rainy season the Amazon is connected to the Orinoco by a natural channel that allows fish to migrate freely;
This is the most frequently reflected biotope by aquarists, and at the same time the most diversified one - offering even unlimited arrangement possibilities, both in terms of the selection of decorative elements, plants and fish.