Aquarium Inf

Growing White Water Trumpet (Cryptocoryne Albida) In The Aquarium

white water trumpet Cryptocoryne albida
Wikimedia/Dennis L. /CCA 2.0
SpeciesWhite Water Trumpet
Other namesCrypt Albida
Latin NameCryptocoryne Albida
Length 10 - 15 cm
Temperature24 - 29°C
Water Hardnesssoft - medium hard
Substratefertile with iron

White Water Trumpet (Cryptocoryne Albida)
Other names: Crypt Albida

White water trumpet, Crypt albida, Albida crypt, White cryptocoryne

The White Cryptocoryne (also known as the Ribbed Cryptocoryne) is an amphibious plant that, in natural conditions, abundantly covers the coastal zone of shallow streams, rivulets or rivers along the west coast of the Malay Peninsula (Thailand, Burma, Laos). These bodies of water are characterized by sandy-gravel or rocky substrates.

This species occurs in nature in two color variations - red and green. The red variant is characterized by burgundy-greenish leaves set on burgundy, rather thick and short stalks. The leaf edges are wrinkled. The green variety has more elongated leaves and stalks, and their edges are completely smooth or slightly wrinkled. The blade color is intensely green, slightly lighter on the underside, stalks tend to redden with age. The green variety is larger than the red variety. In both cases, the leaves are lanceolate and grow rosette from a thin, deeply rooted rhizome.

This species looks best when planted in groups between stones in the front or middle part of the aquarium. Due to its abundant roots, it should be planted in a thick layer of substrate – at least 8-10 cm.

The White Cryptocoryne is easy to cultivate, but it needs some time to acclimate to a new environment. Low light causes very slow plant growth and twisting of its leaves, so we should avoid planting it in shaded places. It prefers slightly acidic water - pH=5.5-7.5 and delicate water movement.

It is a seed species (blooming above water), but in aquarium conditions it is propagated vegetatively - by separating rooted runners.