Aquarium Inf

Aquarium heaters

aquarium heater

To determine the power of the aquarium heater we need to know the aquarium size. The bigger aquarium is than we need more powerful heater. Also you need to take under consideration conditions in the room where the aquarium is. If room is quite cold than we need to buy stronger heater. The most popular are heaters with thermostats. Those heaters will maintaining the desired temperature of water what protects fish from high temperature changes. Usually it is 1W of heater power per 1 litre of the water in the aquarium. It is valid for aquariums up to 100 litres. If aquarium is bigger than 0.85 W per litre should be enough. Number of watts needed may be bigger in a cool places. The more heated the room the less power per litre is required. However, do not go below 0.85 W / litre because if the room heating will fail temperature in an aquarium can decrease drastically and negatively affect life in the aquarium (especially dangerous in winter).