Aquarium Inf

Growing Dwarf Vallisneria (Vallisneria Americana) In The Aquarium

dwarf vallisneria Vallisneria americana
SpeciesDwarf Vallisneria
Other namesWild Celery
Latin NameVallisneria Americana
Length 20 - 60 cm
Temperature20 - 28°C
Water Hardnessmedium hard - hard
Lightmedium - strong
Substrateany but thick

Dwarf Vallisneria (Vallisneria Americana)
Other names: Wild Celery

Natural habitats this species are bottoms of standing or slow-moving reservoirs in South and Central Americas, Asia (in subtropics humid and tropical rainforest climate zones). In nature this species forms dense, underwater lawns.

This plant has small rhizome with rosulate, tightly twisted spiral, pale green leaves. These leaves are up to 0.5 cm wide. This is dioecy species - it has 2 variants of the plant: only with male flowers and only with female flowers.

In aquarium we should plant this species at the back in groups of several pieces.

This plant needs thick substrate (minimum 8 cm) because it has extensive root system. Leaves of the plant often reach the water surface. Then they lay on the water surface and they don't pass light into the aquarium. We can cut these leaves but then the plant doesn't look good and this is the reason for slow growth of the plant.

This is spermatophyte species but in aquarium we reproduce it vegetatively - by the runners.