Aquarium Inf

Growing Samolus Parviflorus (Samolus Parviflorus) In The Aquarium

samolus parviflorus Samolus parviflorus
SpeciesSamolus Parviflorus
Latin NameSamolus Parviflorus
Length 10 cm
Temperature16 - 26°C
Water Hardnesssoft - medium hard

Samolus Parviflorus (Samolus Parviflorus)

Natural habitats this species are freshwater and brackish wetlands, swamps, floodplains with variable water level, sandy or clayey bottom and high concentration of sodium chloride, coasts of lakes and rivers around the world.

This plant has straight stem/flower stalk up to 40 cm long with fibrous roots. The leaves with short leaf stems (about 1,5 cm long) develop on the base this stem and they are arranged rosulate. These leaves are pale green, blade-shaped with pointed tips. The species has racemes inflorescence with fine and white flowers. In aquarium, completely submerged plant doesn't develop the flower stalk.

It should be planted in the foreground in the aquarium.

This is difficult and delicate species which grows slowly up to it adapts to new conditions. It needs long light time (up to 14 hours per day) and it needs access to natural light source (the sun).

This is spermatophyte plant but ii blooms only above the water surface between April and June.