Aquarium Inf

Breeding Zebrafish (Danio Rerio Var. Frankei) In The Aquarium

zebrafish Danio rerio var. frankei
Wikipedia/CarolineCCB /CCA 2.0
Other namesZebra Danio
Latin NameDanio Rerio Var. Frankei
Originforma hodowlana
Length 6 cm
Temperature19 - 26°C
Water Hardnesssoft - medium hard
pH6.5 - 7.5
Aquarium Size80 L
Foodlive, frozen, dry

Zebrafish (Danio Rerio Var. Frankei)
Other names: Zebra Danio

Zebrafish, Zebra Danio, Striped Danio, Zebra Fish, Zebrabarbe, Goldfish.


This is a breed of zebrafish (Danio Rerio).


This variety is characterized by an olive-gold body color, with characteristic dark blue spots that form a leopard pattern. The fins are yellow with spots forming more regular patterns. This variety is also available in albino and veil versions. Females can be recognized by a rounded belly, larger size, and less intense colors.


This is an active and calm fish that lives in large schools. You should have a group of at least 8 individuals in the aquarium. Then the negative behaviors of the fish remain within the group. We can easily keep it in a companion tank with other fish of similar sizes and similar temperament. It prefers the upper levels of water in the aquarium and feeds from its surface. This fish is resilient and durable - we can recommend it to beginners. One of our readers, Tomek, mentions that very aggressive leopard danios with territorial temperament may occur. His danio killed about 8-10 fishes in one year during the night. Perhaps the cause was the keeping of a single individual.


This fish prefers spacious aquariums with subdued lighting, heavily planted with open spaces for free swimming. The addition of roots or rocks will enrich their environment. The fish like to stay in the current of water flowing from the filter - so its flow should be moderate to strong. Covering the tank is necessary - leopard danio is an excellent jumper and without warning takes advantage of every opportunity, for example during tank cleaning. Also, regular water changes are necessary.


Oviparous species. Its breeding is best carried out in a separate tank with a low level of water, lack of lighting, a small sponge filter, clumps of plants with small leaves, a gravel substrate, or an egg grid (to protect eggs from the cannibalistic instincts of the parents). Fish spontaneously pair up with their school and usually form lasting bonds until the end of their lives. A pair or one female and two males are transferred to breeding aquarium in the evening. Morning light triggers spawning - hence the breeding aquarium should be set up in such a way as to have direct access to sunlight. The male and female bodies touch, gently shiver, and eggs and sperm are simultaneously released. The eggs (about 100 grains) slowly sink to the bottom. Parents should be removed immediately after spawning, as they can eat all the eggs. Hatching occurs after 1-2 days (though this depends on the water temperature), and after 2-3 more days, the fry freely swim in search of food. In leopard danio breeding the feeding of small fry causes the most problems.