Aquarium Inf

Breeding Saulosi (Pseudotropheus Saulosi) In The Aquarium

saulosi Pseudotropheus saulosi
Wikipedia/Gerard Delany /CC BY-SA 2.5
Latin NamePseudotropheus Saulosi
Length 8 cm
Temperature23 - 28°C
Water Hardnessmedium hard - hard
pH7.5 - 8.5
Aquarium Size100 L
Foodplant, live, frozen, dry

Saulosi (Pseudotropheus Saulosi)


This freshwater species lives in rocky areas of Niasa Lake (Malawi Lakes) with strong water flow. This species prefers to live in large shoals.

Body description

Colour of the young fish is yellow. Young males have oval dots at the tip of the anal fin. Males colors begin to change with age and they change to intense blue. There are transverse, navy blue stripes on the sides of the male's body. His dorsal fin is navy blue with light blue border. Other fins, except the pectoral fins, are dark with light blue border. The anal fin has yellow dots with white border. Colour of the male can also be similar to the female’s colours because the fish forms a social hierarchy among males and only dominant male is the most colourful. Colour of the female is yellow with poorly visible, transverse stripes. Her pectoral fins have light blue border.

Temperament and behaviour

This species is medium aggressive. It doesn’t fight to the death for territories. Males form social hierarchy and they fight for dominance. Fish prefers to live in a group of 6 minimum and then all aggressive behaviour spreads equally within the group. You should have 2-3 females for every male. You should keep these fish with similar size and temperament cichlids. The fish can eat algae. You should limit amount of food rich in protein. You can not feed these fish with mammal meat at all. This species can dig in the substrate..

Aquarium decoration

This species prefers a spacious tank with a lot of hiding-places among rocks, stones, caves, space to swim, soft and fine substrate, effective filtration system. A partial water changes should be regularly done. This species is relatively resistant to disease.


This is an oviparous species. These fish can spawn every several months. The fish breed on male’s territory after intense courtships. Lured female lays eggs and she immediately collects them in her mouth. She swims to male’s anal fin. Then male fertilizes the eggs – she swallows his sow-thistle. Female retreats to secure place and she incubates the roe. Incubation lasts about 3 weeks. Offspring in the amount of over a dozen leaves the female's mouth an you must start to feed them right away.