Aquarium Inf

Breeding Red-Chinned Panchax (Epiplatys Dageti) In The Aquarium

red-chinned panchax Epiplatys dageti© Baesler Siegfried
SpeciesRed-Chinned Panchax
Latin NameEpiplatys Dageti
Familyafrican rivulines
OriginAfrica rainforests
Length 6 cm
Temperature23 - 26°C
Water Hardnesssoft
pH6.5 - 7.0
Aquarium Size60 L
Foodlive, frozen

Red-Chinned Panchax (Epiplatys Dageti)


This freshwater species lives in small reservoirs with silty bottom in the western part of Africa.

Body description

Colour of the body is brown-gray with yellow under-side and greenish shine. There are 5-7 dark, transverse stripes from the head to the tail. All fins are yellow. Male is more colourful and larger than female. He has red-orange dewlap. His fins are more developed and pointed comparing to female's fins.

Temperament and behaviour

This is peaceful and hard species. You may keep these fish in a general tank with bigger species.

Aquarium decoration

This species prefers to swim by the water surface. The aquarium should include floating plants as the fish often hide among plants.


This is an oviparous species. Female lays eggs on the leaves of plants. The fry hatches after 9 days and the offspring grows unevenly. You should systematically remove bigger offspring because it can eat smaller ones. The spawning takes up to 3 weeks.