Aquarium Inf

Breeding Pepper Cory (Corydoras Paleatus) In The Aquarium

pepper cory Corydoras paleatus
Wikipedia/Ude /GNU
SpeciesPepper Cory
Other namesCorydoras Paleatus
Latin NameCorydoras Paleatus
OriginSouth America
Length 7 cm
Temperature20 - 26°C
Water Hardnesssoft - medium hard
pH6.5 - 7.5
Aquarium Size60 L
Foodlive, frozen

Pepper Cory (Corydoras Paleatus)
Other names: Corydoras Paleatus


This fish lives in shallow and standing or flowing reservoirs with sandy or silty bottom. It lives in the large groups.

Body description

Colour of the body is olive-brown with metallic shine dots and yellowish under-side. The fish have 2 rows of defensive bony plates (known as scutes) on the sides. Male is smaller than female. He has pointed dorsal fin.

Temperament and behaviour

This fish may dig in the substrate when it is looking for food. It can breathe atmospheric air or oxygen dissolved in water. This is hard and peaceful species.

Aquarium decoration

A tank should include sandy or peaty substrate (without small and sharp stones or gravel). The fish is bottom feeding species and it rummages substrate. So any delicate plants may be destroyed.


This is an oviparous species. Female deposits eggs to the previously prepared and cleaned place e.g. leave of plant, aquarium glass or decorative element. The parents don’t take care and protect the offspring, so you should remove them after spawning. The fry hatches after 7 days and starts feeding.