The life cycle of parasite which is cause this disease we can divide into 3 stages. The first phase: the parasite attacks fins rays, gills, mucous membranes around the eyes, around nose, inside the mouth and skin. It penetrates in deeper epidermis layers with help its flagellates. Then it secretes enzymes which partly dissolve tissues and they are cause formation of small, whitish nodules. Next it leaves the host after accumulation of food stocks. It forms cysts and falls freely. The second phase: the parasite cell divides multiple inside the cyst. The third phase: these cysts crack after reaching maturity and new parasites in the zoospores forms look for a new host. Length of the whole life cycle depends on water temperature and illuminance (the parasite contains chlorophyll). The most optimal conditions for this parasite development is 23-25°C water temperature. Then zoospore needs to find a host within 24 hours because it will die after this time. It stays on the host for 3-4 days in this optimal water temperature.
Causes of this disease are protozoa from Dinoflagellate group: Oodiniumpillularis and Oodiniumlimnetioum.
This disease is often diagnosed in advanced stage. We may hasten biological life cycle of this parasite through increasing the water temperature and the light intensity. All drugs are effective only in the second phase of parasite life cycle – when it freely swims and looks for a new host. We may add salt into the water (1 table spoon per 5l) – then the fish will breathe easier. We need remove activate carbon from the filter before treatment. We cure the fish in a separate aquarium. We need increase the water temperature up to 25-28°C in the general tank on a few days. Then the parasites die without a host. All equipment (nets, buckets, substrate cleaners, hoses etc.) we need disinfect.
We may use one of the following medicines:
We need remove medicine from the water after conducted of the treatment – we use filter with activate carbon and we do gradual partial water changes.