Aquarium Inf

Privacy policy collects information from you in a few different ways including the following:

  • log files – these are registered files which include: internet protocol addresses (IP), network name of the computer (host), Internet Service Provider (ISP), type of browser, time spent at the website and data on visited pages;
  • cookies files – these are data files (small text information) that are written onto your computer by a website. Cookies stay on your computer unless they expire or are removed by you. Cookies enable us to recognize your computer when you revisit our website. This is helpful when you use contact form, you add your images to your gallery, you add your opinions or comments in the guest book, you add and write your blog, etc. We don't use cookies to collect or use any information about your visits to other websites. Default parameters of cookies allow only server that created them to read these information;
  • cookies files are also used by external websites which we use at our service: Facebook, YouTube and Google AdSense. We aren't responsible for the use of cookies by these services and how such they may collect or use any information about your visits on our website.

We inform that any our users have the right to choose if they want to share this information including not to receive cookies. To do that you should properly configure your browser. However when you exclude cookies you may have difficult access to the service or you can't use some of its features.

To manage cookies in your browser follow the instructions below:
Internet Explorer
For mobiles devices:
Windows Phone