The primary source of oxygen in water is atmospheric air – oxygen (and other gases in the air) penetrates into the surface layers of water until the appropriate degree of saturation (to equilibrate). The amount of gas which dissolves in liquid is proportional to pressure this gas (in definite temperature). Pressure change causes that the amount of gas in atmosphere and amount of gas in liquid strive to balance all the time. Reducing or increasing the atmospheric pressure causes that degree of saturation of water with gases also changes until both pressures will be aligned. This change is gradual and pressure difference between the two environments is slight. Then this occurrence doesn't cause any negative effects for fish.
Second source of oxygen in water is process of photosynthesis. The amount of released oxygen by plants is proportional to their ability to conversion of carbon dioxide and water into other compounds. Favorable conditions (strong lighting with red spectrum or high insolation) and additional green organisms (mosses, algae) increase the rate of photosynthesis. Then the water may be supersaturated by oxygen and its pressure may significantly increase. At this point excess of the pressure will be released into the atmosphere and gas comes out of the water in the form of bubbles because pressure difference between the environments water-air is large and reduction is rapid.
Then pressure reduction occurs also in fish bloodstream – pressures strive for balance between water in its gills and its blood (blood pressure is higher than water pressure in gills). This occurrence is rapid so released gases, mainly nitrogen, cause bubbles. These bubbles block blood vessels and they gather in tissue and body fluids. Then we have to deal with gas bubble disease but described cause of water pressure change in aquarium is only one of the possible causes.
First we must eliminate factor which causes this disease, fish we must transfer to a separate aquarium with properly prepared water (we should leave this water for several hours to remove unwanted components) and oxygen-rich water (oxygen concentration in the water should be 14,6mg/l). The general tank we leave to equalize pressure between the atmospheric air and saturated gases in the water. All symptoms of the disease should retreat after a few days unless the changes in the body are too advanced (e.g. gills have been damaged). Then we should commit an act of euthanasia these fish. Healthy fish we transfer back to the general aquarium and we should use adequate vitamin preparations and water treatment conditioners in order to strengthen their immune system (e.g. Tetra AquaSafe, Sera Aquatan, JBL Atvitol, etc.).