Aquarium Inf

Aquarium fish, plants - aquaristics for all

1. Aquaristics - brief definition.

aquarium with discs and plants

What does aquaristics actually mean? This website is about aquaristics and aquarium life and that is why we going to briefly explain what that actually means. Aquaristics is an amateur or professional breeding of water animals and cultivation of aquatic plants in the aquarium. There are freshwater aquariums and marine aquariums. Freshwater aquarium is associated with freshwater aquaristics and marine aquaristics is all about breeding organisms in the marine aquarium (salty water). Who has at least one aquarium is called an aquarists. An aquarist is a person who loves the aquarium hobby :) and cares for owned aquarium with passion and commitment. Aquarists are people who do not spare effort and sweat to make sure the environment for fish and plants is as close as possible to the natural environment. They also do everything to keep their fish happy and healthly. I recommend reading interesting facts related to aquaristics. It has some general knowledge about aquaristics and its history.

2. Aquarium fish - atlas

atlas of aquarium fish

This atlas contains over 190 most popular aquarium fish. It will allow you to find desired fish very quick. There are informations about aquarium conditions ideal for a fish, information where particular fish lives and how to breed it. Breeding of the aquarium fish is an interesting experience. Aquarium with plants and fish will also absorb you for many hours, giving you a lot of joy from watching underwater world. Be careful because your visitors may be hypnotized for hours by your aquarium, instead of enjoying the party :).

3. Aquarium Fluorescent Lighting - advice

lenght of lighting wave

There are many fluorescent lamps in the shops. Some of the lamps are specially designed for aquarium plants and fish. Fluorescent lamps like Philips Aquarelle, Osram Fluora, Sylvania Grolux, Hagen Aqua Glo are quite expensive. Let's check if this products are worth of the price. There are many branded quality fluorescent lamps presented in this article. All lamps are grouped by type - T8 and T5 types. Also there are wavelength graphs and light intensity included in the statistics. Prices presented are only for comparison purposes. Shops around you may have different prices of each lamp but differences between the prices stay the same. I hope it will help you to choose the right fluorescent light for your aquarium.

I recommend reading article about modern lighting in aquarium. This article contains information about light parameters, which should be considered before fluorescent light purchase. It also explains why lamps have different colours (some of them have blue light and some have red light) and how to find out what colour will selected lamp give produce.

4. Aquariums types

You will find information about types of the aquariums and features that are characteristic for each type of the aquarium:

  • General Aquariums - a multi-species aquarium or social aquarium
  • Breeding Aquariums - spawning aquarium
  • Biotope Aquariums - called environmental aquariums
  • One species aquariums
  • Continental aquarium
  • Domestic aquarium

In the article about aquarium types you will find informations about how to choose fish and plants to each type of the aquarium and what differences there are in environment for every aquarium type.

5. Care for aquarium Fish

aquarium fishes

Appropriate aquarium set up, proper selection of plants and fish is just the first step. The next step is ensuring that our underwater world is growing. Not only fish and plants require good care. Also aquarium equipment needs attention and regular checks. I recommend reading an article about aquarium care. You will find out there how to care about your aquarium residents. There is a recommended time table with activities that should be done periodically to keep the balance in aquarium. Also you will find there information about how to prepare the tank when you going on holiday.

6. Fish Diseases and Treatment

For both people and fish the best way to avoid any illness is prevention. First of all, we must ensure that our beneficiaries have proper conditions in aquarium. It is impossible to describe all the symptoms of aquarium fish diseases, especially since most of the symptoms are not specific to particular diseases. However, some changes can clearly indicate that there is a problem. Eternal truth that prevention is better than cure is important in aquarium. Some diseases cause the complete destruction of the fauna (fish) in the aquarium. Some diseases will require us to destroy all plants too. Then, unfortunately, you will need to start the aquarium adventure completely from scratch. You cannot forget about the required tank decontamination to kill all bacteria.

I recommend reading the article about aquarium fish disease, which will give you some ideas how to reduce the risk of fish diseases. If disease will get in to our aquarium you will find the ways to fight with it. It is important to become familiar with the symptoms of disease right now, to be able diagnose a sick fish quicker and separate it from the aquarium. Some symptoms may look to you as not important, but if you will do nothing it may lead to the death of all fish in the aquarium. Remember it is easier to prevent than cure.

7. Choosing the right tank (aquarium)

Before choosing an appropriate aquarium you should know the size you will require to fit into the interior and place where it will be installed. It is believed that the tank capacity from 50 to 100 litres is most suitable for the beginner aquarist (the larger the aquarium is then better). You can read more about choosing the right aquarium in our article.

8. How to prepare water for aquarium.

NOTE - The tap water is not good for fish because it contains chlorine and many other compounds negatively affecting aquatic organisms.

Well-being and health of fish and plants are largely dependent on the quality of water we use for the aquarium. It is known that if the composition of the water in the aquarium is more similar to the water where our fish leave than our fish will feel better and breeding them will be easier. The most important aquarium water parameters, which we can control are temperature, pH and hardness. Every aquarist needs to know how to prepare the water to the aquarium. Also at periodic water changes we need to provide good quality water. Please read the article about how to prepare the water for the aquarium .

9. Atlas of aquatic plants

atlas of aquarium plants

Atlas of aquatic plants will let you easily find the plants to the aquarium and obtain information about their environment and conditions under which it will grow the best. Also you can find information on what lighting will plant require what will let you to select plants that will grow nicely in your aquarium.

10. Algae in the aquarium - how to remove.

aquarium - algae

Every aquarist sooner or later will face the problem of algae in the aquarium. Even the best well-kept aquarium has the algae at least in small amount. They can overgrow hidden spaces in the aquarium or even take over the most visible place like a front glass of the aquarium. This degrades the aesthetic experience derived from observations of our fish. To understand the uninvited guests like algae in the aquarium I recommend reading the article about algae in the aquarium . This will allow you to understand what causes the excessive growth of algae and how to prevent the plague. If you already have a problem with algae you will find information on how to deal with them and reduce their amount. I recommend to read that article before you start to apply the chemicals to your aquarium.

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