Aquarium Inf

Breeding Yucatan Molly (Poecilia Velifera) In The Aquarium

yucatan molly Poecilia velifera
Wikipedia/Massysmith /GNU
GatunekYucatan Molly
Nazwa łacińskaPoecilia Velifera
WystępowanieCentral America
Długość15 - 18 cm
Temperatura23 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH7.0 - 8.0
Zbiornik150 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry, plant

Yucatan Molly (Poecilia Velifera)


This species lives in large groups at the top water level in freshwater and brackish, standing and low current reservoirs.

Body description

Body of the fish is fusiform. Colour of the body is gray-green with lustrous spots. There is also several multi-colour variants of this fish. Male is smaller, more colourful than female. He has high dorsal fin which looks like striped sail. His anal fin is transformed into gonopodium - an external copulatory organ.

Temperament and behaviour

This is quiet, peaceful, friendly, active species. It likes to jump of the water, so you need a cover for the aquarium. Males can be territorial during the spawning season. This species is voracious and it eats algae. A partial water changes and cleaning the substrate should be regularly done. You may add some sea salt to the water – 1 teaspoon per every 50 litres.

Aquarium decoration

The aquarium should include strong light, a lot of plants, hiding-places, floating plants, space to swim.


This is a live-bearer species – fertilization is internal. You should breed these fish in a separate tank because the parents eat the fry. You can recognize the pregnant female by the dark pregnant-spot on her belly. The gestation period of the female is around 8 weeks. The fry (about 50-80) appears in aquarium after this time. The fry starts to swim and feed straight away.