Aquarium Inf

Breeding Yo-Yo Loach (Botia Lohachata) In The Aquarium

yo-yo loach Botia lohachata
GatunekYo-Yo Loach
Nazwa łacińskaBotia Lohachata
Długość8 - 12 cm
Temperatura20 - 27°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH6.0 - 7.5
Zbiornik100 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry, plant

Yo-Yo Loach (Botia Lohachata)


This freshwater species lives in rivers and their tributaries in India and Nepal - especially in Ganges. Taxonomy of this species is not unequivocal. The problem is the lack of information in scientific publications and mostly photos of each type. It is believed that this species belongs to Botia Spp. group which includes Botia almorhae, Botia birdi, Botia lohachate, Botia sp kosi, and Botia sp teesto. They have different color, pattern and they live in different habitat. The specimens available in shops are usually the Botia lohachate, Botia sp kosi, or Botia sp teesto.

Body description

Young fish looks different to adult in respect of color of the body. Colour of the fish generally is silver-gold with shine with dark patterns which create an interesting template called YOYO (hence the name of the fish). The shine disappears with age and the pattern becomes more complicated. Colour of the body is olive-gray with darker mosaic/criss-cross. This species has 4 pairs of barbel on the chin and defensive spines under eyes which are hidden in special sacs. The sex of the fish can be recognised when they are sexually matured. Female becomes thicker in ventral parts.

Temperament and behaviour

It is medium aggressive species. It can nibble flowing fins of fish e.g. betta fish, guppies etc. It is shoal fish which creates social hierarchy within group. Fish fights each other for domination when they are let into aquarium or when you add new YOYO botias to aquarium. Very often female is the dominant. When hierarchy is ready the dominant is the most colourful fish in the group. Other fish in group lose colors until their pattern is barely visible. You can observe other specific behaviour of these fish within their group. YOYO botia is very inquisitive fish. It seems it is very happy when it can visit all hiding-places and do recon. You can often see its pressed in a gap or hole or even floating in angle (head down or head up) or buried in the substrate or lying on its side which looks like it is dead. This species is more active in the morning, in the evening, and at night. It likes to dig in the substrate, to nibble soft leaves of plants or eat snails. YOYO botia is the bottom feeding species and it produces specific sounds.

Aquarium decoration

This species prefers general tank or aquarium which will look like their natural habitat. General tank should include sandy substrate, many flat and round stones, rocks which create caves and grottoes, roots and twisted branches, floating plants (light should be dimmed), plants with hard leaves (e.g. anubias, microsorum). General tank should include many places to hide among plants, roots, rocks, coconut shells, pots, pvc or ceramic pipes etc. You have to remember that substrate should be soft and fine and all decorative elements should have rounded and smooth edges to avoid fish injuries to their skin. All holes and passes should be big enough to make sure that fish does not stuck. You must cover the tank so your fish do not jump out. Water in the tank should be oxygen-rich, with medium flow, without organic loads (regular partial water changes and cleaning of the bottom are necessary).


This is an oviparous species. We don't have any information about breeding this fish in aquarium.