Aquarium Inf

Breeding Acanthicus Adonis (Acanthicus Adonis) In The Aquarium

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acanthicus adonis Acanthicus adonis
FishBase/© Germeau G.- Doumont Y.
GatunekAcanthicus Adonis
Nazywany teżAdonis Pleco Or Polka Dot Lyre-Tail Pleco
Nazwa łacińskaAcanthicus Adonis
WystępowanieSouth America
Długość50 - 60 cm
Temperatura23 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH6.0 - 7.5
Zbiornik400 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry, plant

Acanthicus Adonis (Acanthicus Adonis)
Nazywany też: Adonis Pleco Or Polka Dot Lyre-Tail Pleco


This species naturally inhabits slow-moving streams, creeks, and tributaries of the Rio Tocantins river in the northeastern part of Brazil. In its natural environment, the fish can grow up to a length of 1 meter.

Body Description

The species is characterized by a black body with small white or yellow dots, which tend to fade almost completely with age. There is also an albino variation available. The entire body is covered with small, protruding spines that can easily get entangled in nets. The external rays of the caudal fin are elongated and thread-like. The mouth opening is transformed into a suction cup. This species is not adapted to breathe atmospheric air. Males and females can be distinguished by the different shape of their genital papillae – in males, it has a blunt end.


This is an active, particularly nocturnal, and curious fish. As it matures, it becomes territorial and can display aggression towards its own species and other bottom-dwelling fish. Therefore, it is recommended to keep only individual specimens. Due to their potential size, they should be housed with appropriately sized fish in community aquariums. It's noteworthy that young individuals feed on algae covering the roots.

Aquarium Decoration

The species prefers spacious tanks – longer rather than taller. An adult fish should be housed in an aquarium with a capacity of 1000-2000 liters. The aquarium should include an ample number of hiding spots among roots, branches (with smooth edges), round stones, caves, soft and fine-grained substrate, and diffused lighting. If you choose to incorporate plants, they should have hard and bitter leaves (as the fish tends to consume them). All decorative elements should be sufficiently heavy and securely positioned on the bottom – the fish are robust and enjoy digging in the substrate or moving various objects. Effective filtration is essential (given the significant waste production), along with high water oxygenation and a moderate water flow, complemented by regular partial water changes.


The species is oviparous, and the fish mature late, which complicates their breeding. Spawning occurs in a concealed location – a cave, at the base of a root, or within a ceramic tube. The male takes on the responsibility of caring for and protecting the laid eggs.