Aquarium Inf

Breeding Maingano (Melanochromis Cyaneorhabdos) In The Aquarium

maingano Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos
Wikipedia/JanRehschuh /CC BY-SA 3.0
Nazwa łacińskaMelanochromis Cyaneorhabdos
Długość10 cm
Temperatura23 - 28°C
Twardość wodymedium hard - hard
pH7.5 - 8.5
Zbiornik100 L
Pokarmplant, live, frozen, dry

Maingano (Melanochromis Cyaneorhabdos)


This freshwater fish lives in rocky coastal areas in Nyasa Lake (Malawi Lake). This is endemic species which lives only in Malawi Lake.

Body description

This species is often confused with Melanochromis Johanni. Colour of the female is the same as male. Colour of the Melanochromis Johanni female is yellow-orange. This species has fusiform shape of the body. Colour of the fish is blue-navy blue. There are two blue, narrow, horizontal stripes and two wide, horizontal, navy-blue-black stripes on the sides of the body. All fins are dark with opalescent blue border. Male is usually more colourful than female. He has darker under-side and longer pelvic fins comparing to female. Colour of the fish depends on stress level, color of the decorative elements and in case of males it depends on the role in group (dominant male or no).

Temperament and behaviour

You should keep these fish in single species aquarium or in a general tank with other endemic species of Malawi Lake. You should not keep them with other species of the same genus because the fish can be more aggressive and they can hybridize each other. Aggression and territorialism of the fish depends on the number of males and females in the group, size of the aquarium and number of hiding-places. You should keep single male and few females. Males always fight each other, single female will be chases and harass by males. The fish are more aggressive towards other species during the spawning season. This species likes to dig in the substrate. The fish mostly hides except the dominant male which swims freely.

Aquarium decoration

This species prefers a spacious tank – longer than higher. Aquarium should have a lot of hiding-places among rocks, caves, soft and fine substrate, effective filtration system. Plants are not necessary. The fish are sensitive to accumulations of nitrates and changes of the water chemical parameters – especially pH. A partial water changes (about 30% per week) should be regularly performed.


This is an oviparous species. Male occupies selected territory (usually among rocks) and lures female. Female lays eggs and immediately collects them in her mouth. Then she stimulates male to fertilize it. She usually sets up her mouth next to male’s anal fin. Incubation of eggs in female’s mouth lasts 21 days but it depends on water temperature and female’s peace of mind. When offspring leaves the female mouth youu must start to feed them. Female still protects the offspring and collects the it in her mouth in case of the threat.