Aquarium Inf

Breeding Lyretail Killi (Aphyosemion Australe) In The Aquarium

lyretail killi Aphyosemion australe
Wikipedia/Violaine2 /GNU
GatunekLyretail Killi
Nazwa łacińskaAphyosemion Australe
Rodzinaafrican rivulines
Długość5 - 6 cm
Temperatura20 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH5.5 - 7.0
Zbiornik50 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

Lyretail Killi (Aphyosemion Australe)


This species lives in reservoirs in the delta of Ogowe River in Gabon. These reservoirs don’t dry in the dry seasons. Usually it a shallow and small stream, wetland with oxygen-poor water.

Body description

Colour of the wild fish is bluish-brown with brown-red dots. The dorsal, anal and pelvic fins are orange-brown with maroon and white borders. The caudal fin changes color from orange, brown, maroon to white. There are several variants of this fish e.g. gold, orange, chocolate. Body of the fish is fusiform, elongated and not proportional to the size and location of the fins. The pectoral fins are big, the pelvic fins are small and they are located between the pectoral and anal fins. Male is larger and more colourful than female. His last rays of the dorsal and anal fins and his external rays of the caudal fin are elongated. All female’s fins have rounded fins. Female is thicker in the ventral parts compared to the male.

Temperament and behaviour

This is very peaceful and shy species. It escapes if it sees stronger and more cunning fish. It does not compete for food. You should keep these fish with similar size and temperament species e.g. small rasboras, dwarf cichlids, peaceful corydoras, small and peaceful species of characidae family.

Aquarium decoration

This species prefers spacious tank with a lot of plants, floating plants, dimmed light, dark substrate with layer of peat, dark decorative elements, gentle filtration system. You must cover the aquarium. A partial water exchange should be done regularly.


This is an oviparous species. You should breed these fish in a separate tank. Breeding aquarium should have 2/3 water level, soft water with pH=6,0-6,5, 20-23°C water temperature, small sponge filter with peat, plants with fine and soft leaves or mops, cover. You don’t need light. You separate males from females around 1 week before spawning and you feed them with plenty of live food. You then transfer the most colourful male and 2 or 3 thickest females to the breeding aquarium. The fish spawn near the water surface or substrate. Male intensively chases the female. He swims closer to her and he holds her with his dorsal and anal fins. The fish bend in the characteristic way. The jerk takes place and female lays the eggs on the leaves or mops or in the substrate. The spawn can last for few weeks. Female lays 20-30 eggs every day. You will not have to remove the parents if you feed them well. If they are not hungry they will not eat the eggs. The roe is opaque, single egg has diameter of around 1mm. The roe is very sensitive to light and fungal infections, so you must check and remove rotten eggs every day (bad eggs are white with lints). The eggs hatch after 14-21 days (it depends on water temperature) and the larvae immediately starts feeding. You should do 10% partial water changes every day at the beginning. Later you can do 20-30% partial water changes every 2-3 days. The fish can also breed in the general aquarium but the efficiency will be very small.