Aquarium Inf

Breeding Flagfish (Jordanella Floridae) In The Aquarium

flagfish Jordanella floridae
Nazywany teżAmerican Flagfish
Nazwa łacińskaJordanella Floridae
WystępowanieFlorida, Yucatan
Długość7 cm
Temperatura20 - 22°C
Twardość wodysoft
pH7.0 - 8.0
Zbiornik60 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

Flagfish (Jordanella Floridae)
Nazywany też: American Flagfish


This freshwater fish lives in standing reservoirs (e.g. puddles, morasses) in north and central America.

Body description

Body of the fish is stocky. Male is larger and more colourful than female. His colour of the body is brown with red-blue sides with silvery shine. There is a characteristic, dark spot on the belly. Female’s dark spot on the belly is more visible compered to the male's. The fish has colourful fins.

Temperament and behaviour

These fish like tanks with a lot of plants and space to swim. This species prefers to swim at the bottom water level. It nibbles plants and eats algae. It is generally friendly and peaceful fish. Exception is the spawning season. These fish should be kept with quiet species.

Aquarium decoration

You should keep this fish in a one species aquarium. More males you want to have in the aquarium then bigger the aquarium you need to have. Males are territorial and fight each other for designated areas.


You can breed these fish in the one species tank or a breeding aquarium. This tank should have low water level (up to 25cm) and 25°C water temperature. The spawning precedes for few days. Female lays tens of eggs every day to holes in the substrate among plants. You should remove female after spawning. Male takes care and protects the roe and fry. The eggs hatch after 7-10 days and immediately starts feeding.