Aquarium Inf

Breeding Flag Tetra (Hyphessobrycon Heterorhabdus) In The Aquarium

flag tetra Hyphessobrycon heterorhabdus
GatunekFlag Tetra
Nazwa łacińskaHyphessobrycon Heterorhabdus
WystępowanieSouth America
Długość4 cm
Temperatura23 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH5.5 - 7.5
Zbiornik70 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

Flag Tetra (Hyphessobrycon Heterorhabdus)


This species lives in creeks, tributaries, ponds, floodplains in north-east Brazil in the Amazon. These waters are called - black waters.

Body description

Body of the fish is slender. Colour of the body is silvery-olive with lighter under-side. There are three narrow stripes (red-orange, white-green and black) stretching along the lateral line. The upper part of the iris is red-orange. Females are a bit larger and thicker in the ventral parts. You can recognize sex of the fish when it is sexually matured.

Temperament and behaviour

This is peaceful, active and shoal fish. Fish prefers to live in a group of 6 minimum and then it is less shy. You may keep this species with peaceful and similar size fish like other tetras, pencilfish, dwarf cichlids, small species of rasboras, gouramies.

Aquarium decoration

You may keep this fish in a general tank or biotope "black water" tank. First type of the tank should have a lot of plants, floating plants, dimmed light, hiding-places among roots, space to swim, effective but gentle filtration system. Second type of the aquarium should have sandy substrate, floating pieces of wood, dried leaves of beech or oak (you have to change them every few weeks), roots, dimmed light. Plants are not necessary. Water should have colour of light tea (you may add peat to the filtration system or you may put it into a net and dive it in the aquarium). Fish prefer clean water with a systematic partial water changes (once per two weeks) and clean the bottom from organic compounds.


This is an oviparous species. Breeding should be made in a separate tank - its capacity should be at least 30 litres. Tank should be covered from light because the eggs and young fry are sensitive to light. Aquarium should have soft water, pH=5,5-6,5, 24-26°C temperature, sponge filter with peat, soft and fine-leaved plants or a fish hatchery. Before spawning you should separate males from females and feed them with plenty of live type of food. The thickest female and most colourful male you transfer to the breeding tank, in the evening. They should spawn next day, in the morning. The fish will spawn every few days but male fitness in fertilization will decrease gradually. Female spreads the eggs among water. You have to immediately remove the parents after laying the roe - they eat the eggs. The eggs hatch after 1-1,5 days. The fry starts to swim and feed 3-4 days later. Thereafter you should make a partial water changes (about 1/3 of water amount) every day.