Aquarium Inf

Breeding Flag Cichlid (Mesonauta Festivus) In The Aquarium

flag cichlid Mesonauta festivus
Wikipedia/Tomolyka /GNU
GatunekFlag Cichlid
Nazywany teżFestive Cichlid
Nazwa łacińskaMesonauta Festivus
WystępowanieAmazon River Basin
Długość12 - 15 cm
Temperatura22 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH6.0 - 7.0
Zbiornik120 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry, plant

Flag Cichlid (Mesonauta Festivus)
Nazywany też: Festive Cichlid


This freshwater fish lives in standing and low-currents tributaries of Amazon River and rivers of the western Guyana.

Body description

Colour of the fish is variable and it depends on habitat and emotional state of the fish. Colour of the body usually is green-yellow, green-blue or gray-brown with metallic shine. There is a dark brown stripe intersecting aslant the mouth, the eye and the dorsal fin. There is also a black spot with gold border on the base of the caudal fin. Body of the fish is laterally compressed. The pelvic, dorsal and anal fins are elongated. The sex of the fish is difficult to distinguish. Female is smaller than male. His dorsal and anal fins have sharp tips.

Temperament and behaviour

This is a quiet, peaceful, a bit timid, agile and intelligent species. It can only be aggressive and territorial during the spawning season. The fish adjust quickly to the new conditions of the environment. You can teach this fish to eat from our hand.

Aquarium decoration

This species prefers a spacious tank. Aquarium should have a lot of hiding-places, a lot of plants, space to swim, floating plants, dimmed light. The water should be clean. A partial water exchanges should be systematically performed.


This is an oviparous species. Colour of the female is yellow during the spawning season. The fish group off into pairs to mate. Female lays up to 400 eggs in previously prepared hideout. The parents take care and protect the roe and fry. The eggs hatch after 3 days. The fry starts to swim and feed 5 days later.