Aquarium Inf

Breeding Buenos Aires Tetra (Hyphessobrycon Anisitsi) In The Aquarium

buenos aires tetra Hyphessobrycon anisitsi
GatunekBuenos Aires Tetra
Nazwa łacińskaHyphessobrycon Anisitsi
WystępowanieSouth America
Długość7 - 8 cm
Temperatura20 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - hard
pH6.0 - 8.0
Zbiornik80 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry, plant

Buenos Aires Tetra (Hyphessobrycon Anisitsi)


This freshwater fish lives in ponds, lakes, slow-flowing creeks and streams in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay.

Body description

Colour of the body is silvery-olive with reddish under-side. There is an opalescent, orange stripe along the lateral line. This stripe ends with black dot on the base of the caudal fin. All fins are red. The forked caudal fin has an extra black stripe in the middle. Upper part of the iris is red. There is also albino variant of this fish. Female is larger and thicker than male. Male is more colourful compared to female.

Temperament and behaviour

This is very active and shoal species. It prefers to swim at all water levels. It can nibble plants with delicate and soft leaves. It can be aggressive towards smaller species. This species also can nibble fins of other fish when it is hungry. This is strong species, recommended for beginner aquarists. It adjusts quickly to new conditions of the environment.

Aquarium decoration

This species prefers a spacious tank. Aquarium should have a lot of hiding-places among roots, rocks, caves, space to swim, artificial or hard plants (e.g. anubias, java moss), dimmed light, gentle but effective filtration system. A partial water exchange should be done regularly.


This is an oviparous species. Breeding of these fish is very easy. You should breed these fish in a separate aquarium. Breeding tank should have soft water with slightly acidic pH,higher water temperature and low water level, dimmed light or no light at all, fine-leaved floating plants or fish hatchery, gentle but effective filtration system. You should separate males from females before the spawning and you should feed them with plenty of live food. You transfer selected pair of the fish (the thickest female and the most colourful male) in the breeding tank in the evening. The fish should spawn the next day in the morning, after intense courtships. You should immediately remove parents after spawning. The eggs hatch after 1 day. The fry starts to swim and feed 5-7 days later. The roe and fry are sensitive to light and water quality.