Aquarium Inf

Breeding Bucktooth Tetra (Exodon Paradoxus) In The Aquarium

bucktooth tetra exodon paradoxus
Wikipedia/Ltshears /CCA 3.0
GatunekBucktooth Tetra
Nazywany teżParadoxical Fish
Nazwa łacińskaExodon Paradoxus
WystępowanieAmeryka Południowa
Długość7,5 - 15,0 cm
Temperatura23 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - hard
pH6,0 - 7,5
Zbiornik150 L
Pokarmlive, frozen

Bucktooth Tetra (Exodon Paradoxus)
Nazywany też: Paradoxical Fish

Bucktooth Tetra, Paradoxical Fish, Red Spot Tetra, Andean piranha


A freshwater species that inhabits lowland rivers, tributaries, streams and brooks in the Amazon basin in Brazil, Venezuela and Guyana under natural conditions. These are flowing waters with a sandy substrate.


Exodon paradoxus is characterized by a silvery-olive body coloration with a noticeable yellow-gold stripe running along the sides of its body. There are also two black spots on the sides - one at the base of the tail, the other between the gill covers and the base of the dorsal fin. The dorsal and caudal fins are transparent-yellowish-red. The remaining fins are transparent-red. Yellow-red eye, iris black. In proper lighting, the fish beautifully shimmer in a bluish-purple color. Fish have specific teeth, which allow them to tear scales from other fish. Females are fuller in the belly areas. Males have slightly more elongated rays of the dorsal and anal fin.


A schooling species, which should be kept in a group of at least 10-12 individuals. In too small a group, fish compete with each other for life and death, until only one individual remains. In large groups, they live together relatively peacefully, only chasing each other. We avoid buying fish 'on installments' - new individuals will be attacked by the already settled ones, especially the bigger ones harass the smaller ones preventing them from feeding. Very aggressive, especially against fish with silver/shiny body color. Attacks fins and scales even of larger species than itself. Its behavior can be compared to the behavior of piranhas. It should be kept in a species tank. If we decide on a community aquarium, we choose scaleless species with subdued and non-shiny colors, which prefer to stay in the lower parts of the water. (e.g. corydoras, loaches, catfish from the Mandidae family, or "armored" fish from the Loricarid family). This is a very active species, which swims throughout the aquarium. In natural conditions, a predator feeding mainly on insects, shrimp, and small fish, as well as scales of other fish (an important component of their diet), in breeding conditions, it is voracious, greedy and even aggressive during feeding.


Exodon paradoxus prefers spacious aquariums - long and wide, heavily planted, with numerous hiding places among roots and rocks, and free spaces for free swimming. The substrate should be sandy and dark. Fish appreciate scattered lighting (floating vegetation). Regular partial water changes are necessary.


This is an oviparous species. We breed fish in a separate, breeding tank with soft and slightly acidic water. We fill the aquarium with numerous clumps of plants with soft and small leaves in such a way that there is a free space of water above the plants. We move the selected pair of fish to the breeding aquarium. We can stimulate the fish to spawn by changing a large amount of water to slightly warmer than in the tank. The fish start to spawn - the female releases eggs, the male fertilizes them. We catch the parents immediately after the deed - they will eat the caviar as soon as it starts to appear. Fry hatch after 2-3 days.