Aquarium Inf

Breeding Fire Eel (Mastacembelus Erythrotaenia) In The Aquarium

fire eel Mastacembelus erythrotaenia
Wikipedia/Llandor /GNU
GatunekFire Eel
Nazywany teżRedfinned Eel
Nazwa łacińskaMastacembelus Erythrotaenia
Rodzinaspiny eels
Długość60 cm
Temperatura24 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH6.5 - 7.5
Zbiornik400-500 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, płatkowany

Fire Eel (Mastacembelus Erythrotaenia)
Nazywany też: Redfinned Eel

Fire Eel, Redfinned Eel, Long-spined Eel


A freshwater species that, in natural conditions, inhabits slow-flowing sections of turbid water, river mouths with muddy substrates, streams, brooks, floodplains in the area from the Thai river Maeklong to the eastern slopes of the Cardamom Mountains, through the Mekong River, the Malay Peninsula, Borneo and Sumatra. In natural conditions, fish can reach up to 1 meter in length.

Physical appearance

The species is characterized by an elongated, laterally flattened body with a graphite-brown color, with a lighter belly. All fins are dark, with orange-red margins. Wide, interrupted lines in orange-red color are visible on the head and front part of the body. Along the back of the fish, there are spines. The fish has a distinctive head that tapers downwards and which can freely turn to the sides. The upper lip forms a kind of stalk, which extends beyond the lower lip, splits at the end, and looks like an extended nose. It serves an auxiliary function during the search for food in the substrate. There is no sexual dimorphism in fish.


The fire eel itself is peaceful towards other fish. However, it is necessary to find suitable companions for it, on which it will not prey (in the natural environment, fish, shrimp and other aquatic invertebrates are natural food for the fire eel). Over time, males become aggressive towards their own species, but in a sufficiently large aquarium, with an appropriate number of hiding places, there should be no problems. In a larger group, which has been raised together from the beginning, the fish stay together. The fish loves to bury itself in the substrate in such a way that only its head sticks out. When it is properly fed, it grows quite quickly - it doubles its size within a year. When it lacks food, it will gnaw on the soft leaves of plants. You can also get it used to hand feeding. The fish is sensitive to mechanical damage and, consequently, secondary fungal or bacterial infections (it is worth regularly checking the skin condition of this species).


The aquarium should contain many hiding places among plants, roots, rocks, caves, clay pipes, etc. The fish often burrows in the filter pipe. All decorative elements should have smooth edges. The best substrate will be sand or other fine-grained and soft material (the fish likes to dig the substrate). It leads a nocturnal lifestyle, so subdued and dimmed lighting will be beneficial (for this purpose you can use floating plants). A tight aquarium cover is necessary (the fish can slip out even through a small crack), gentle water movement, effective filtration, systematic water changes are needed.


The fish is oviparous. There is no reliable information about the breeding of this species in aquarium conditions. In nature, fish reproduce among dense vegetation, to which fertilized eggs adhere and remain there until hatching. Parents do not take care of the offspring.