Aquarium Inf

Breeding Black Banded Sunfish (Enneacanthus Chaetodon) In The Aquarium

black banded sunfish Enneacanthus chaetodon
Wikipedia/Tino Strauss /GNU
GatunekBlack Banded Sunfish
Nazwa łacińskaEnneacanthus Chaetodon
Występowanienorthern and eastern U.S. waters
Długość10 cm
Temperatura10 - 22°C
Twardość wodymedium hard
pH6.5 - 7.5
Zbiornik100 L

Black Banded Sunfish (Enneacanthus Chaetodon)


This fish lives in lakes and rivers with low currents with many plants and sandy or gravely substrate.

Body description

This fish has yellow-brown colour of the body with greenish spots or dark brown stripes. The sexual dimorphism is difficult to identify. Male is a bit smaller and more slender. The female is more colourful during spawning season.

Temperament and behaviour

These fish should be kept in large general or single species tanks. Males are territorial.

Aquarium decoration

Aquarium should be equipped with many plants and branches, bright light, and clear water. These fish don't like rapid and large partial water changes, so you need to use an efficient filtration system.


Breeding should be made in a separate tank with cool water. Male digs holes in the substrate for female to lays eggs. After spawning female should be removed. Fry starts to swim around 11 days later.