Aquarium Inf

Breeding Black Banded Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia Nigrans) In The Aquarium

black banded rainbowfish Melanotaenia nigrans
Wikipedia/opencage /CC BY-SA 2.5
GatunekBlack Banded Rainbowfish
Nazywany teżBlack-Banded Rainbowfish
Nazwa łacińskaMelanotaenia Nigrans
Długość6 - 8 cm
Temperatura23 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH5.5 - 7.0
Zbiornik100 L

Black Banded Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia Nigrans)
Nazywany też: Black-Banded Rainbowfish

Black Banded Rainbowfish, Black-banded Rainbowfish, Banded Rainbowfish, Western Rainbowfish


A freshwater species that also inhabit brackish environments (river mouths). It is found in clear, slow-flowing rivers and their estuaries, streams, brooks, oxbow lakes, in swampy areas of northern Australia and the surrounding islets. It prefers places with rich vegetation cover.

Physical Appearance

This fish is characterized by its slim body, blue-silver-olive coloring, with a gold-black stripe running along the lateral line: from the snout, through the eye, to the end of the forked tail. The abdomen is light, often reddish. The fins can be blue or yellow, bordered in black. The anal fin may have an additional reddish stripe. Differences in color mainly result from different habitats, the size of a given population and the age of these fish. Additionally, stress and the current breeding period affect the color. The species has a double dorsal fin and a fairly wide anal fin. The female is smaller than the male, her coloring is decidedly paler and more matte, and also slight differences in the structure of the dorsal fins can be observed.


This is a calm, active and schooling species. The group of fish should consist of at least 5-6 fish, with a predominance of females. Then males display their best colors competing for the attention of females. Larger rainbows can easily be kept in community aquariums, with similar sized fish and temperament, e.g. other rainbows, gouramis, danios, Tetras or armored catfish. This fish feeds on green filamentous algae, among other things.


This species prefers spacious tanks, longer than they are high, heavily planted, with open spaces for free swimming and moderate filtration. Dark roots and sandy substrate contribute to better fish coloring. Systematic water replacements (about 30%), effective filtration and good water oxygenation are essential. It is necessary to cover the aquarium.


An egg-bearing species, which reproduces throughout the year. Fish can be stimulated to spawn by more frequent and larger water changes to softer, more acidic and slightly cooler water, plus more generous feeding with live food. A pair or group of fish are moved to a previously prepared spawning aquarium: with soft and acidic water, plants with delicate and small leaves or other spawning carriers, and dimmed light. Spawning takes place over several days, the female can release up to 50 eggs a day. Larvae hatch after 6-7 days, and after another day, the fry swim freely in search of food. Parents should be removed after they have laid and fertilized the eggs.