Aquarium Inf

Breeding Scarlet Badis (Dario Dario) In The Aquarium

scarlet badis Dario dario© Karel Zahradka
GatunekScarlet Badis
Nazwa łacińskaDario Dario
Długość3 cm
Temperatura21 - 26°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH7,5 - 6,5
Zbiornik40 L
Pokarmlive, frozen highly fragmented

Scarlet Badis (Dario Dario)


This freshwater fish lives in coastal areas in the southern part of India in shallow and sandy streams, creeks, rivers with clean water and many plants.

Body description

This fish is very small and colour of it's body is red with about 7 transverse rows of shimmering blue stripes. All fins are red with blue borders. Males and females are different when they reach sexual maturity. Females are darker, something like pale greenish, smaller and they have more round body. Males have a longer pelvic fin tips which are red with shimmering blue band. Males are intelligent, curious and territorial.

Temperament and behaviour

This species is not very active - it just floats in every part of the water. If the aquarium is large enough it has mild and peaceful temperament. Male needs about 40 cm² of the surface for his territory. It is recommended to keep only single male and a few females in small tank. Larger number of males tend to have aggressive behaviour towards other male.

Aquarium decoration

These fish may be kept in a single species tanks or general tank. Aquarium should be decorated with many plants (floating plants too) and places to hide like roots, rocks and caves. Fish require dimmed light and very clean water. They are sensitive to water quality. Partial water changes should be made regularly.


This fish is oviparous. You may stimulate spawning by increasing temperature of the water, feeding with live food and by putting small leaved floating plants in the aquarium. Males swim around females which means that courtship has began. It may go on for few days. Colour of the fish becomes more visible and bright. When female is interested in the male she will follow him to his territory. There she will lay eggs. Spawn is scattered randomly among plants or decorative elements (up to 60 eggs). After spawning male is aggressive towards female and he throws her out of his territory. He takes care and protects the eggs. The eggs hatch after 2-3 days and fry hides among plants (at this time you don't need to feed it). The colourless fry begins to show around week later and then you should start feeding it.