Aquarium Inf

Breeding Sawbwa Barb (Sawbwa Resplendens) In The Aquarium

sawbwa barb Sawbwa resplendens
Wikipedia/The Man On The Street /CC BY-SA 3.0
GatunekSawbwa Barb
Nazywany teżRummy Nose Rasbora
Nazwa łacińskaSawbwa Resplendens
Długość3 cm
Temperatura20 - 25°C
Twardość wodymedium hard
pH7.0 - 8.0
Zbiornik70 L
Pokarmdry, live, frozen, plant

Sawbwa Barb (Sawbwa Resplendens)
Nazywany też: Rummy Nose Rasbora


This is endemic species to Inle Lake (Burma) and surrounding wetlands (during the rainy season). Inle Lake has low water level (2-3.5 m), clear water, clayey bottom, grass and reeds in the coastal areas.

Body description

Colour of the male is different compared to colour of the female. Male has silvery body with blue shine. His head (mouth area) and forked tips of the caudal fin are orange-red. His other fins are clear. Female has olive-brown body and all here fins are clear. She has blackish dot on the base of the anal fin. Female is a bit smaller and thicker in the ventral parts compared to male.

Temperament and behaviour

This is an active species. Males can compete for domination and females attention in small aquarium or when there is not enough females. Fish prefers to live in a group of 6-8 minimum where females quantity is higher than males. You should keep these fish with similar size and peaceful species preferably coming from the same region like Inle Lake (e.g. Danio erythromicron). You must feed these fish with very fine food.

Aquarium decoration

Aquarium should have a lot of plants with wide leaves (e.g. anubias, lesser water-plantains – Baldellia plants), space to swim, hiding-places among rocks, dark substrate, dimmed light, floating plants and a cover. The fish are sensitive to water conditions, temperature and pH fluctuations. You may use limestone, dolomite grits or coral substrate in order to maintain appropriate pH level.


This is an oviparous species. Reproducing these fish is not an easy task although it is possible. You should breed them (only older fish) in a separate tank. Breeding aquarium should have plants with wide leaves just below the water surface, mops, hard water with pH=7.5-8.0 and 18-20°C water temperature. You should feed them with plenty of live food in the general aquarium. You should also reduce water temperature in the general tank to 18-20°C. When males will be more colourful and females will be thicker you transfer pair of the fish to the breeding aquarium in the evening. The fish spawn for a few days. Female lays portion of eggs on the leaves of plants or mops every day. You should feed the parents normally during the spawning. This way they shouldn't eat the eggs. You should remove them after 2-3 days. The eggs hatch after few days and the fry almost immediately starts to swim and feed.