Aquarium Inf

Breeding Salvini (Cichlasoma Salvini) In The Aquarium

salvini Cichlasoma salvini
Nazywany teżSalvin's Cichlid
Nazwa łacińskaCichlasoma Salvini
WystępowanieCentral America
Długość15 cm
Temperatura23 - 27°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH6.5 - 7.5
Zbiornik200 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

Salvini (Cichlasoma Salvini)
Nazywany też: Salvin's Cichlid


This freshwater species lives in fast-flowing rivers in Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala.

Body description

Colour of the male and female are different. Colour of the male is olive-gold with red under-side and irregular, black, horizontal stripes above the lateral line. Last rays of the anal and dorsal fins are elongated with opalescent blue border. Female is more colourful and smaller than male. She has more black spots on the sides than male and her body have red-blue shine. Her dorsal and anal fins do not have any elongations.

Temperament and behaviour

This is territorial species. It is more aggressive during the spawning season. The fish are active and they swim fast. They can eat small species.

Aquarium decoration

This species prefers large tank with a lot of hiding-places among roots, plants, stones, space to swim, effective filtration system with fast water flow and clean water. 20-25% partial water changes should be done once per week. This species prefers to live in pairs and prefers to swim in the middle and at the bottom water level.


This is an oviparous species. The fish group off into pairs to mate when they are sexually mature. Before spawning female and male clean a hard surface for female to lay eggs. It usually is a stone, root or pot. Female lays up to 500 eggs. The eggs hatch after 2 days. The fry starts to swim and feed 5 days later. The parents take care and protect the roe and the offspring. Female takes care for the nest, male protects the territory.