Aquarium Inf

Breeding Salt And Pepper Catfish (Corydoras Habrosus) In The Aquarium

salt and pepper catfish Corydoras habrosus
Wikipedia/TheJammingYam /GNU
GatunekSalt And Pepper Catfish
Nazwa łacińskaCorydoras Habrosus
WystępowanieVenezuela, Colombia
Długość3 cm
Temperatura22 - 26°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH6.5 - 7.7
Zbiornik70 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry highly fragmented

Salt And Pepper Catfish (Corydoras Habrosus)


This freshwater fish lives in standing or flowing reservoirs with low water level, sandy or silty bottom in South America.

Body description

Colour of the body is beige-white. There are three dark spots on the sides. First spot appears from gill cover to the dorsal fin, second spot is between the dorsal fin and the fat fin, third spot is on the base of the caudal fin. These spots are longitudinal and they sometimes come together and create irregular stripe. Above this stripe there are dark dots which create transverse, discontinuous bars. The dorsal and caudal fins are covered in dark spots which create irregular lines. The fat fin has one dark spot. Other fins are clear. The fish has 2 pairs of barbels on the chin. Female is thicker than male in the ventral parts. These fish can breathe atmospheric air with help of the intestine.

Temperament and behaviour

This is shoal, quiet, peaceful and friendly species. It is very active. It’s looking for food at the bottom of the aquarium all the time.

Aquarium decoration

This species is sensitive to chemicals in water. A partial water changes (about 10% per week) should be regularly done. You should regularly clean the substrate from leftovers and plant debris. The fish prefers not too high and spacious aquariums with sandy substrate, a lot of roots and branches and effective filtration system.


This is an oviparous species. Breeding is not an easy task because fish needs specific conditions to spawn, the roe is sensitive to fungal infections and the fry is sensitive to diseases. You can stimulate fish to spawn through 50-70% partial water changes on cooler water and increasing the filter flow. Do it when you observe that females are visible thicker in the ventral parts. You need single female and a few males. Female lays portion of eggs, male immediately fertilizes them. She is looking for right place to deposit the eggs (usually it is aquarium glass) and she comes back to male. Optimal conditions in aquarium to spawn are: ph=6,5, 24°C water temperature, soft water, sandy substrate, effective but gentle filtration system. The eggs hatch after 3-4 days and fry immediately starts feeding.