Aquarium Inf

Breeding Brown Spike-Tailed Paradise Fish (Pseudosphromenus Dayi) In The Aquarium

brown spike-tailed paradise fish Pseudosphromenus dayi
© Frank Teigler/Hippocampus-Bildarchiv
GatunekBrown Spike-Tailed Paradise Fish
Nazwa łacińskaPseudosphromenus Dayi
WystępowanieSouth East Asia
Długość7 cm
Temperatura23 - 25°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
pH7,0 - 6,0
Zbiornik70 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

Brown Spike-Tailed Paradise Fish (Pseudosphromenus Dayi)


This freshwater species lives in shallow, standing and slow flowing reservoirs like ponds, floodplains, coastal reservoirs with oxygen-poor water in India, Sri Lanka, Burma and Vietnam.

Body description

This species has extra auxiliary respiratory organ known as the labyrinth organ. This organ allows fish to breathe atmospheric air, so they can live in oxygen-poor waters. There is several variants of this fish. Colour of the fish depends on the type and variety of food. Colour of the most popular variant is pink-gray-whitish. There are 2 dark, irregular stripes along the sides of the fish. Sex of the fish can be recognized when fish is mature sexually. Then male has elongated middle rays of the caudal fin (the tail looks like flame) and last rays of the dorsal, anal and pelvic fins. All male's fins have opalescent blue border. Male is more colourful and larger than female. He has red-orange dewlap.

Temperament and behaviour

This is quiet, peaceful, shy, timid and very active species.

Aquarium decoration

You should keep these fish with peaceful, slow-moving and non-aggressive species which do not nibble other fish fins. This species prefers a spacious tanks. Aquarium should have a lot of plants (with extensive leaves which form coping on the water surface), hiding-places, caves, dark substrate with tannin. Air above the water substrate should have the same temperature as water temperature. Otherwise the fish may catch a cold. Short-term temperature reduction does not harm the fish - it tolerates it very well. If you keep a group of the fish you should have more females than males.


This is an oviparous species. Male builds a nest on the water surface, leaves or in caves using plant elements and bubble. Then he lures female, wraps his body around her and turns her upside-down. Female lays eggs, male immediately fertilizes them. The roe floats to the nest. Male protects the eggs and fry. The eggs hatch after 1-2 days. The fry starts to swim and feed 2-3 days later. Male can collect the fry into his mouth and he can move it to a different, more secure place when he feels a threat. The fry grows fast.