Aquarium Inf

Breeding Bumblebee Fish (Brachygobius Xanthozonus) In The Aquarium

bumblebee fish Brachygobius xanthozonus
Wikipedia/Citron /GNU
GatunekBumblebee Fish
Nazwa łacińskaBrachygobius Xanthozonus
Występowanietropical South Asia
Długość5 cm
Temperatura24 - 30°C
Twardość wodymedium hard - hard
pH7.5 - 8.2
Zbiornik60 L
Pokarmlive, frozen

Bumblebee Fish (Brachygobius Xanthozonus)


This freshwater fish lives in canals, rice fields and brackish estuaries in coastal tidal areas.

Body description

Colour of the fish is variable, from dark brown to black, with wide, yellow or orange bands on body. To recognise a male from the female is very difficult. Female is thicker than male but male is more colourful than female.

Temperament and behaviour

This species lives near the substrate. It has pelvic fins grown together which create the sucker. Males are aggressive towards other males of the same species.

Aquarium decoration

These fish should be kept in a single species aquarium with low water level, thick substrate layer (best fine gravel) and many places to hide (roots, stones, caves and plants that tolerate a little bit of salt in the water). The tank requires water with addition of sea salt (1 spoon per 10 litres of water). After water change the sea salt should be also added. Water should be very clean and free from nitrates.


This fish lives in groups and in that group they will find partners. Female lays eggs on the stones or roots. After spawning female should be removed. Only male takes care of the spawns until hatching (2-6 days). In the first days of life the fry swims below the water surface.