Aquarium Inf

Breeding Blue Acara (Andinoacara Pulcher) In The Aquarium

blue acara Andinoacara pulcher
Wikipedia/Loïc Tremblay /GNU
GatunekBlue Acara
Nazwa łacińskaAndinoacara Pulcher
WystępowanieColombia, Panama, Venezuela
Długość10 - 17 cm
Temperatura20 - 26°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
Zbiornik150 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

Blue Acara (Andinoacara Pulcher)


This freshwater fish lives in the Central and South America.

Body description

Colour of the fish is olive and shimmering blue. The sides of the body are decorated with dark lateral stripes. The adult's caudal fin is red. Females are smaller and have duller colors. Males have longer dorsal and anal fin tips.

Temperament and behavior

These fish digs in the substrate damaging plants. As they get older they became more aggressive towards other fish. This fish are intelligent. They take care and protect their offspring.

Aquarium decoration

For a substrate these fish needs sand or fine & clean gravel. The tank should also be decorated with natural caves and flat stones which provide shelter.


If you think about breeding this fish, then you should keep matched pair or a dozen young individuals in the aquarium. Those young individuals in the future will remain with the same partner. Before spawning, the female abdomen appears distended and the male testes become sharp. Spawning takes place at the temperature around 26-28 °C. Female lays eggs and moves them to the bottom of the hole dug earlier. It takes approximately 7 days for the spawn to become juveniles. Before the next spawning juveniles should be separated from their parents.