Aquarium Inf

Breeding Bloodfin Tetra (Aphyocharax Anisitsi) In The Aquarium

bloodfin tetra Aphyocharax anisitsi
GatunekBloodfin Tetra
Nazywany teżRed-Finned Tetra
Nazwa łacińskaAphyocharax Anisitsi
WystępowanieAmeryka Południowa
Długość5,5 cm
Temperatura18 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - hard
pH6.0 - 8.0
Zbiornik80 L
Pokarmlive, frozen, dry

Bloodfin Tetra (Aphyocharax Anisitsi)
Nazywany też: Red-Finned Tetra

Bloodfin Tetra, Red-finned Tetra, Glass Bloodfin Tetra, Buenos Aires Bloodfin Tetra


A freshwater species that in natural conditions inhabits the Paraná River flowing through the territory of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, its tributaries and surrounding streams. These are shaded sections, with rich vegetation, sandy substrate, and slow current.

Appearance of the Red-eye Tetra

The fish is characterized by a bluish-silver body color, with a reddish belly part where the anal fin is located. All fins, except for the pectoral fins, are transparent red. The species has a visible adipose fin. The female is thicker in the belly parts, while the first rays of the male's anal fin are transformed into so-called partner hooks, which allow holding the female during reproduction.


This is an active, calm species that, however, bites the fins of veil-tail fish. It is decidedly shoaling, which feels best in a larger group - a minimum of 6-8 individuals. In a group, it can also hunt for fry, smaller fish, and even shrimp. The fish swims in the upper and middle water layers. It is quite robust and easy to breed, so it can be recommended to beginner aquarists. In the aquarium, we can keep it with other small species of tetra, catfish, and small armored fish.


The Red-eye Tetra prefers spacious aquariums, longer than they are high, with open spaces for free swimming, numerous hiding places among dense vegetation, roots, twisted branches, and a dark, soft substrate. Necessary dim and diffused lighting (the addition of floating plants will make this task easier), a tight aquarium cover (fish are very jumpy), effective filtration and regular part water changes. We avoid sudden changes in water parameters.


An egg-laying species. It is best to breed these fish in a separate breeding aquarium with bunches of soft and fine-leaved plants, slightly acidic, soft water, without lighting. To spawn, we stimulate the fish by increasing the temperature to the upper limit of the range and feeding them plentifully with live food. We move the most colorful male and the thickest female to the breeding tank in the evening. Spawning should take place the next morning, after intense courtship. The female lays up to 500 eggs among the plants, but they are not very sticky and most fall to the bottom. The female often also jumps above the water surface while laying eggs. After spawning, we remove the parents as soon as possible - they do not take care of the eggs and may even eat them. Larvae hatch after a day, and after another 4-5 days the fry swim in search of food.