Aquarium Inf

Growing Nuphar Lutea (Nuphar Luteum) In The Aquarium

nuphar lutea Nuphar luteum
Wikipedia/Hans Hillewaert /CC BY-SA 3.0
GatunekNuphar Lutea
Nazywany teżYellow Water-Lily
Nazwa łacińskaNuphar Luteum
Długość25 cm
Temperatura18 - 25°C
Twardość wodymedium hard
Podłożefertile with the addition of clay

Nuphar Lutea (Nuphar Luteum)
Nazywany też: Yellow Water-Lily

This is a floating species. Its natural habitats are standing and slow-moving reservoirs (temperate, continental and tropical climates).

The plant has hard, green and large (up to 40 cm) floating leaves. Their shape is cordate (heart-shaped with stem in cleft). These leaves grow from rhizome on long leaf stems. Part of the leaves is submerged. This part grows on the base of the rhizome and these leaves are pale green, heart-shaped with sinuate margins, arranged rosulate. The species has big, yellow with intensity smell flowers on the long flower stalks. This plant blooms in the summer time. The large rhizome usually is submerged in the muddy bottom and it can freely move in the bottom with gentle water currents and wind. The rhizome has threadlike roots.

In aquarium the plant develops only submerged leaves but sometimes, with time it may form floating leaves. Then we should systematic cut their or we should limit exposure to light to 12 hours.

This species should be planted in the middle or foreground of the aquarium. It should be singly planted.

This is spermatophyte plant but in aquarium we reproduce it vegetatively - by dividing the rhizome.