Aquarium Inf

Growing Acorus Gramineus (Acorus Gramineus) In The Aquarium

Zobacz też:
acorus gramineus Acorus gramineus
Wikipedia/Cliff /CC BY 2.0
GatunekAcorus Gramineus
Nazwa łacińskaAcorus Gramineus
Długość15 - 20 cm
Temperatura16 - 22°C
Twardość wodysoft - hard
Podłożefertile with addition of clay and peat

Acorus Gramineus (Acorus Gramineus)

Natural habitats this species are swampy and muddy coasts of lakes, ponds, rivers, paddy-fields, wetlands and floodplains in eastern parts of Asia.

This plant has creeping rhizome with green-olive, hard leaves. These leaves have pointed tips and they form dense clumps.

This is undemanding species but it grows slowly when it is completely submerged. It is also sensitive to rapid changes of water temperature.

This species should be planted in the foreground or middle of the aquarium in groups or singly.

This is spermatophyte plant. Its flower stalk grows above the water surface. In aquarium we reproduce it vegetatively - by dividing the rhizome.