Aquarium Inf

Growing Needle Spikerush (Eleocharis Acicularis) In The Aquarium

needle spikerush Eleocharis acicularis
Wikipedia/Bernd Sauerwein /CC BY-SA 3.0
GatunekNeedle Spikerush
Nazywany teżDwarf Hairgrass
Nazwa łacińskaEleocharis Acicularis
Długość10 - 15 cm
Temperatura18 - 25°C
Twardość wodysoft - hard
Oświetleniemedium - strong
Podłożefertile with clay

Needle Spikerush (Eleocharis Acicularis)
Nazywany też: Dwarf Hairgrass

This is a semi-aquatic species. Its natural habitats are swamps, peatlands, wetlands and floodplains, shallow standing and slow-moving reservoirs and coasts of these reservoirs around the world.

This plant has creeping rhizome with branching and filamentous roots. It has green stems - long like coniferous blades with brown leaf sheath on the bottom. Small leaves reach only to the base of the plant. The plant develops lot of runners.

It should be planted in the foreground or middle of the aquarium. We can form lawns with this species. Then we should plant seedlings in the substrate in a checkerboard pattern at distance of a few centimeters.

This is almost undemanding species - it needs thick layer of the substrate and it prefers from acidic to neutral water hardness. We don't need additional fertilization but it is indicated - especially iron and carbon dioxide.

This is spermatophyte plant but it develops flowers only above the water surface. In aquarium we reproduce it vegetatively - by dividing the rhizome or by the runners.