Aquarium Inf

Growing Red Myriophyllum (Myriophyllum Tuberculatum) In The Aquarium

red myriophyllum Myriophyllum tuberculatum
GatunekRed Myriophyllum
Nazwa łacińskaMyriophyllum Tuberculatum
Długość50 cm
Temperatura22 - 30°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard

Red Myriophyllum (Myriophyllum Tuberculatum)

Natural habitats this species are bottoms of standing and slow-moving reservoirs and swamps in North, Central and South Americas, south-eastern part of Asia.

It has resilient stem with feathery and filamentous leaves. Colour of the plant is from green-reddish to rusty-brown. The root system is extensive.

This is very delicate, fragile and difficult species. The substrate should be loose - not compact, diameter of the grains shouldn't be too high and substrate temperature should be the same as water temperature. We should plant this species very carefully taking care not to damage its roots and stem. The species prefers clean water with systematic partial water changes and gentle water flow. The lighting should be strong but scattered (minimum 12 hours throughout the year) and mixed: blue and red. The water and substrate should be fertile with nutrients, minerals and carbon dioxide. This species is very sensitive to algae.

It should be planted in the middle or at the back of the aquarium in groups of several pieces at distance of minimum 10 cm between seedlings.

This is spermatophyte plant but in aquarium we reproduce it vegetatively - by seedlings from cut stems.