Aquarium Inf

Growing Radicans Sword (Echinodorus Cordifolius) In The Aquarium

radicans sword Echinodorus cordifolius
GatunekRadicans Sword
Nazywany teżSpade Leaf Sword
Nazwa łacińskaEchinodorus Cordifolius
Długość40 - 80 cm
Temperatura20 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard
Oświetleniemedium - hard
Podłożeany with the addition of clay

Radicans Sword (Echinodorus Cordifolius)
Nazywany też: Spade Leaf Sword

This is a semi-aquatic species. Its natural habitats are tropical and subtropical coasts of rivers, creeks and lakes in South, Central and North Americas.

This is hardy and very decorative species. It has short and thick rhizome with rosulate, intense green, underwater leaves. The older leaves are heart-shaped, the younger leaves are oval-shaped. The leaf blades have long leaf stems (they are about 25 cm long and they can be more in good conditions) and they are about 15 cm wide and 20-25 cm long. The plant develops also above-water leaves, much larger than submerged leaves. The species develops flower stalk but it blooms only above the water surface. These stalk develops plantlets under water. Then this flower stalk lie on the substrate.

We should singly plant this species in the middle or at the back of the aquarium.

It grows slowly when water temperature and lighting are too low and water is poor in nutrients. We should cut all above-water leaves.

This is spermatophyte species but in aquarium we reproduce it vegetatively - by the plantlets. These plantlets should be several centimeters long and they should have extensive root system. Then the seedlings will properly grow.