Aquarium Inf

Growing European Water Clover (Marsilea Quadrifolia) In The Aquarium

european water clover Marsilea quadrifolia
Wikipedia/Keisotyo /GNU
GatunekEuropean Water Clover
Nazwa łacińskaMarsilea Quadrifolia
Długość10 - 15 cm
Temperatura18 - 22°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard

European Water Clover (Marsilea Quadrifolia)

This is species of an aquatic moss and its natural habitats are swamps, wetlands and coasts of rivers, streams, ponds, lakes in Asia and Europe. This species was introduced artificially in the US.

This plant has creeping, branched and tangled system of runners and thin rhizome. The roots develop in each node and some internodes of the rhizome. Single stems also develop in each node. Each stem has four leaves at the end which form clover shape.

This species should be planted in the foreground in the aquarium. We can form dense and original lawns. Then we should plant seedlings in the substrate in a checkerboard pattern at distance of 2 centimeters. Empty spaces will be completed by ever-expanding plant after a certain time.

This species grows slowly but it doesn't need additional fertilization or strong lighting. Leaves of the plant are sensitive to strong water flow and fast-moving bottom fish. Sandy substrate with additional clay or garden soil is the best substrate for this species.

In aquarium we reproduce it vegetatively - by the runners or by dividing the rhizome.