Aquarium Inf

Growing Micro Sword (Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis) In The Aquarium

micro sword Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
Wikipedia/Averater /CC BY-SA 3.0
GatunekMicro Sword
Nazwa łacińskaLilaeopsis Brasiliensis
Długość4 - 7 cm
Temperatura18 - 26°C
Twardość wodysoft - medium hard

Micro Sword (Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis)

This is a semi-aquatic species. Its natural habitats are wharf of streams, ditches, wetlands and floodplains, swamps in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.

This plant has thin, strongly branching and creeping stem. A few pale green, grassy leaves and roots develop at each node.

It is very hardy species and it can grow almost in all conditions - also in low lighting. Growth rate and appearance of the plant depend on optimal conditions: strong and bright light (0.5 W per litre), 21-26°C water temperature, fine substrate with additional fertilization, water with carbon dioxide. Then the leaves are short and dense. Otherwise they are elongated and loose – only 1-2 leaves develop at each node.

We should plant this species in the foreground in the aquarium. We can form dense and original lawns with this plant. Then we should plant seedlings in the substrate in a checkerboard pattern at distance of a few centimeters. This plant grows quickly and we must systematic cut it.

This is spermatophyte species but in aquarium we reproduce it vegetatively – by the runners.