Aquarium Inf

Growing Mexican Oak Leaf (Shinnersia Rivularis) In The Aquarium

mexican oak leaf Shinnersia rivularis
Wikimedia/Rs79 /CC SA 3.0
GatunekMexican Oak Leaf
Nazwa łacińskaShinnersia Rivularis
Długość50 cm
Temperatura18 - 30°C
Twardość wodysoft - hard

Mexican Oak Leaf (Shinnersia Rivularis)

This species grows in wetlands, floodplains or shallow and freshwater reservoirs in Mexico.

The plant has strong stem with leaves which are arranged in pairs opposite each other. These young leaves look like oak leaves - they have lobed margins. The older leaves are more smoother. Colour of the leaves is from pale green to olive.

This species quickly adapts to a new environment and it is undemanding.

It should be planted at the back of the aquarium in groups of several pieces. It should be often cut in too small tank, otherwise it grows over the water surface.

This is spermatophyte specie but in aquarium we reproduce it vegetatively - by seedlings from cut stems.