Aquarium Inf

Growing Dwarf Hygro (Hygrophila Polysperma) In The Aquarium

dwarf hygro Hygrophila polysperma
Wikipedia/Pinpin /CC BY-SA 1.0
GatunekDwarf Hygro
Nazwa łacińskaHygrophila Polysperma
Długość25 - 40 cm
Temperatura22 - 28°C
Twardość wodysoft - hard
Oświetleniemedium - strong
Podłożeany with the addition of clay

Dwarf Hygro (Hygrophila Polysperma)

This is an aquatic species but its tops grow above the water surface. Its natural habitats are standing and moving reservoirs in India, Malaysia and Taiwan.

This plant has square in cross-section, rather fragile stem with opposite and lanceolate leaves. They are arranged with successive pairs at right angles to each other and they are up to 5 cm long and up to 1.5 cm wide. Their colour is variable – from pale green, pink to rusty and it depends on light intensity. Roots of the plant are white and filamentous.

This species should be planted in the middle or at the back of the aquarium in dense groups.

This is undemanding and hardy species. It can grow in tanks with rather wide range of water parameters (pH, water temperature and hardness) and different lighting. It doesn't need additional fertilization. It is recommended for beginner aquarists. This plant grows very quickly so it needs systematic cutting (once per week).

This is spermatophyte species. It develops blue-white flowers. In aquarium we reproduce it vegetatively - by seedlings from cut stems. These seedlings take root quickly and easily. We should singly plant seedlings at distance of 1-2 centimeters. The seedlings shouldn't have their bottom leaves.